Chapter 35

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Smut Warning!

(A/N: Smut Warning! If you do not want to read this chapter, here is the summary. M/C (main character) and Harry complete the mating process)

When I get back to the lake, I shift back to human, walking towards the water. I slip my shoes off on the shore, stepping my toes into the water. A pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind, their chest pressing against my back. 

I turn around, seeing Harry standing there. He grabs the bottom hem of my shirt, slowly raising it above my head, tossing it onto the shore behind him. 

I step out of the water momentarily, shedding off my pants, tossing them where my shirt ended up. Harry does the same as me, taking his pants off quickly, leaving him in a pair of boxers and his shirt. I grab the collar of his shirt, pulling him into the water with me until it's up to my knees. I slowly peel off his shirt, raising it above his head and tossing it onto the shore.

Harry reaches to my hand and winds our fingers together, walking forwards and leading me deeper into the lake. When the water is up to my shoulders, he stops walking, turning to face me. He places his hands delicately on my hips, drawing me in closer. I place one hand on the back of his neck and the other on his chest right below his shoulder. 

He leans down, bringing our lips closer and closer together. I feel his light breath on my Cupid's Bow, sending a tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach. His lips press gently against mine, moving in sync.

I tangle my fingers into the strands of hair at the back of his neck, slightly tugging on the strands. He moans, sending vibrations from deep in his chest as he sighs into my mouth. He lightly slides his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I leave my mouth shut in order to tease, waiting for a reaction. 

He slides his hands down to my butt, squeezing roughly, making me groan into his mouth, involuntarily drifting slightly open. He sees that as his chance, slipping his tongue inside, his hand continuing to knead my butt.

The kiss heats up quickly; he reaches down to my thighs and lifts me off the ground, me jumping to assist. My legs end up wrapped around his waist as he starts walking towards shore. He sits down, the water still up to his waist when seated. I stay straddling his waist, both of my hands now buried into his soft curls. He flips us over, laying in between my legs, our chests pressed together as the kiss picks up pace. He reaches down to play with the hem of my panties before stopping and pulling back all of a sudden.

"Do you want this?" He asks, keeping his forehead pressed against mine. "Yes, I want this." I answer, not taking my eyes away from his. He kisses me again, more rough than before. He reaches down, slipping my panties down my legs, grabbing them and tossing them onto the shore.

His hand lowers down towards my heat and I groan, leaning back and using my elbows to hold myself off the ground. He rubs circles around my delicate bundle of nerves with his fingers, smirking down at me, pressing his lips against my neck, sucking and nipping at my skin. "Skip the foreplay, Haz. I need you now."

Harry nods, his eyes darkening as he slides his boxers off, his erection springing up against his stomach. Not giving me any warning, he thrusts himself into me, instantly groaning at the feeling. He looks down at me, waiting for me to give him a signal that I'm adjusted to his size. 

When I nod, he starts thrusting at a steady pace, placing his head in the crook of my neck and moaning. I rub my hands around his shoulders and back, lightly placing pressure on his skin. I feel the water slightly cover us in the wave, then going back down.

Coming undone under him, his thrusts start to get sloppy. "Shit!" he moans into my shoulder, lightly biting down on my skin as he comes undone, me following directly after. We stay in this position for a few seconds, regaining our breath. 

"That was . . . amazing," I say, taking a few deep breaths. He nods his head, pulling out of me and lifting himself off of my shoulder. 

"We should get back before they get worried," he says, standing up. 

He offers me his hand and I take it gratefully, letting him pull me up off of the sand. Wipes the sand off of himself, smacking my butt as I walk towards the pile of clothes. I skip my underwear, just pulling on my pants, bra and shirt, tucking my underwear in my pocket. They're wet and full of sand, and I really don't need that.

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