Chapter 50

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After we make some rose water, we mix the powder in the mortar and pestle with the water, running it twice through a drainer just to be sure it's clear. I put the cure into a mason jar, rushing upstairs with Louis hot on my heels. 

Walking into Zayn's room, I see Liam sitting on the chair next to the bed with Niall cuddled up next to Zayn. When we enter the room, they stop talking, looking over at us. Without saying a word, I hand the mason jar to Louis, moving over to my medical kit that still sat on the nightstand and pulling out a new syringe. I draw the liquid into the tube, and push the end of the needle into Zayn's vein, slowly injecting it. After a few minutes, we don't think it worked.

"C'mon, Zayn," I whisper, holding his hand. I feel someone move, and as I look up, I realize that Niall hasn't moved an inch. Looking down at Zayn's hand, I see that he started to slightly wiggle his fingers. 

I sigh in relief, knowing for sure now that we got the cure right. I inject some more of the cure into his vein as he gets more and more active. He starts wiggling his other fingers, toes, and slightly twitching his arms.

After what feels like an eternity, his eyes finally open. We all sigh in relief as Niall wraps his arms around him, nearly squeezing the life right back out of him. 

"Ni, I'm alright, mate. I'm okay!" Zayn laughs, rubbing his back. Liam pats him on the shoulder and walks out of the room, going to try and talk to Harry, who still hadn't come out of his room. 

With the help of Niall, Zayn sits up and attempts to stand but nearly falls. Louis catches him, helping him sit back down on the bed. 

"They injected you with a whole bunch of wolfsbane. You're going to be really weak for the next couple of days, so I am officially putting you on bedrest," I say, sitting down next to Zayn. He wraps his arms around me, burying his face into my shoulder. 

"Let's give them a little privacy," Louis says, walking out of the room with Niall right behind him, shutting the door.

"So how long have I been gone?" he asks, breaking the hug to look at me. "A little over 24 hours." I say, holding his hand in mine. 

"God, I was so worried," I say, finally looking over at him. 

(A/N: Smut warning! If you do not want to read this part, just skip down to the "End of Smut Warning".)

Zayn lays down on the bed, motioning for me to lay down next to him. I do, laying my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me, holding me close. I lean up, pressing my lips against his. He reacts quickly, his lips moving in sync with mine, his stubble lightly scraping my chin. 

He pulls me up so I'm straddling his waist, my hands cupping his cheek while his roam on my back, landing on my butt. His tongue peeks out of his mouth and lightly slides across my upper lip. I let him enter, feeling him smirk into the kiss. He reaches down and hooks his fingers on the bottom hem of my shirt, breaking the kiss to lift it off of me. I do the same with his quickly, but before I can connect our lips, he flips us over so he's on top, laying between my legs.

He kisses down my neck, finding my sweet spot and roughly sucking and biting on it, making me moan. I grind my hips upward against his, making him groan against my neck. He grinds his hips down against mine, reaching his hands down and sliding my pants and panties off quickly, tossing them onto the floor I do the same with his and before I can even react, he pushes into me and starts thrusting. I groan, throwing my head back, my arms going around his back while one of his rests on the side of my head and the other traces my side.

I start panting, feeling myself approaching my high. He picks up his speed, angling himself so he can thrust deeper, reaching his hand down to run circles around my clit. I moan, throwing my head back as my high hits. He thrusts all the way through, not slowing down. His thrusts start to get sloppy, signaling that he's getting close. I roll us over so I'm on top, moving my hips in figure eights, thrusting him in and out of me. His hands wrap around my back, tightly holding me close as I move faster, helping him ride out his high. Once he's all the way through, I bring my hips forward and up, slipping off of him and lying next to him, his arms around my waist and my head on his chest. He presses a kiss to my temple, smiling down at me. 

"So just Louis now, and then the mating process is over?" He asks and I nod, looking over at the unlocked door. 

(A/N: End of Smut Warning!)

I begin to laugh, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the pillow. 

"What's so funny down there?" he asks, smirking. 

"Nothing. I mean, it's just . . . how lucky are we that no one walked in? We didn't lock the door," I laugh, looking up at him. His face heats up as he looked over at the door, which sure as hell, was not locked. He laughed with me as I got up, tossing him a fresh pair of boxers and sweats as I slip on my panties, along with his shirt.

"I need to go and change and then see if Liam could talk to Harry." I say, walking over to him and kissing him once more. 

"What happened to Harry?" he asks, sitting up. 

"Well, I went with on the mission to save you, since I was the only one who was able to find the warehouse. Liam mind-linked me right as we showed up there and said that Harry was just overwhelmed and convinced himself that I wouldn't be coming back. He is currently locked in his room, so I'm gonna' change and then see if he'll open his door." I say, walking out, shutting the door behind me. 

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