Chapter 42

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I run to the front door, which has been thrown off its hinges. Stepping inside, I hear glass crunching beneath my feet. The couch had been tipped over, the TV shattered on the ground, there is a large hole in the wall. 

I rush over to the end table by the wall and reach under the drawer, grabbing out a Glock19 9mm handgun. I raise it in the air, telling Liam to stay behind me. We creep around the house, looking for any sign of life from the boys. We approach the stairwell, going down into the basement, following the small trail of blood and glass shards.

In the main area in the basement, it was clear that a huge fight had happened here. 

All of the picture frames that once hung on the wall were shattered, the frames completely busted, glass littering the floor. 

The once light-gray carpet now had spots of deep red on in a few areas, making my stomach clench. I hear a noise come from an adjacent room and I aim my gun that way, narrowing my eyes. I creep towards the door, pressing my back against the wall, Liam mirroring my stance on the other side of the door. 

"On three, open the door," I whisper to him, cocking my gun. He nods, his hand nearing the handle. 

'One . . . two . . . three' I count on my fingers, and he pushes the door open. 

I step inside the room, my gun raised in front of me but I stop at the scene in front of me. The boys, mostly bruised and bloody, were huddled in the corner of the room, hugging each other. 

"Oh, thank god," I place the gun down on the table and rush over to them, grabbing them and examining for major injuries. But there's a problem. As I go from boy to boy, examining their faces and injuries, I notice that I only counted three. 

I look around, but there is no sign of the fourth boy. I turn my head to look at Louis, who seems to be the least inured. "Where's Zayn?"

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