Chapter 36

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We walk hand-in-hand back to the cabin, walking up the steps and into the living room. Walking past the living room and up the stairs towards my room, I open my door, surprised to see Niall sitting on my bed, reading from the book 'Read This If', which is a book filled with things people can relate to. When I walk in, he immediately puts the book back down on my nightstand, looking slightly nervous.

"Hey. So, I was reading up on some of the books you have on your bookshelf and I got to one about the mating process, which we have to do, right? For the process to be complete?" he asks, folding his hands together and moving his fingers around. 

"Well, yeah. What do you want to know?" I ask, standing in front of him. He looks up at me, placing his hands on my waist. 

"When do we get to mate?" he asks, smirking slightly. 

"Well, Harry and I already have, and since he's the youngest and you're the second youngest, you would be next. Just not today; I'm a little bit tired." I laugh, putting my hands on his shoulders and delicately massaging the skin. 

"How about I go and shower, then you, Liam and I can go and take a quick trip to the grocery store in town? We need to restock on a few things and we could use some more snacks for movie nights." I suggest, going to my closet and grabbing a new pair of clothes: a pair of fishnet tights under a black mid-thigh length skirt and a black and white striped sweatshirt.

After I showered, now smelling like the shower gel 'Juicy' from Bath & Body Works, I put on my clothes, stepping out of the bathroom and back into the hallway. I go downstairs, putting on my shoes quickly as I walk towards the door, seeing Liam and Niall already waiting there. They each give me a kiss on the cheek as we walk towards the red jeep. I get in front passenger with Liam driving while Niall climbs in the back, putting on a pair of headphones and listening to music.

I direct Liam out of the long gravel trail that we call a driveway and show him which way to go to get to the market. Along the way, he places his free hand on my thigh, rubbing light circles with his thumb. I look over at him smiling, grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers as he drives. 

I turn on the radio and turn up the volume, singing along to Carry on by Fun. I gently play with Liam's fingers as he drives, seeing him look down at me and smile from the corner of my eyes.

When we reach the supermarket, we exit the car, Niall setting his headphones down on the seat before following Liam and I towards the store. Liam grabs a kart and we start piling all of the logical food in. Spaghetti ingredients, fettuccine alfredo ingredients, frozen vegetables, canned vegetables, and ingredients for numerous other recipes. 

While I grab all of that, Niall starts piling in junk food for movie nights: chips, cookies, popcorn, different types of candy, pretzels, and much more. By the time we finish, the cart is nearly full to the brim.

We pay for the food, bagging it up in paper bags. After hauling it off into the car, we drove back to the cabin, belting out the lyrics to different songs.

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