Chapter 21

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When we get inside, Louis, Liam and Niall are sitting on the couch and watching TV. When they heard us walk inside, they turned to look at us, and glared. 

"What's going on, guys?" I ask. 

"Can I talk to you outside, Sarah? Harry, just go to your room." Harry gave me a look, as if to say 'will you be okay', and I nodded my head, and followed Liam outside.

"What's up, Li?" I ask, leaning against my car. 

"Why did you do it?" He asks, crossing his arms against his chest. 

"Why did I do what?" I ask, confused. 

"Why did you cheat on Zayn? We went to look for you and Harry, when we saw you two by the lake making out. Zayn was heartbroken, ran to his room, and hasn't come out since." He explained to me, angrily. 

"I wasn't cheating! Zayn and Harry are both my mates. It's possible to have more than one!" I explain. He looks shocked. 

"Really?" he asked. 

"Yes! I would never cheat on Zayn." I say. 

"I'm . . . I'm sorry for getting angry..." he said, frowning. 

"It's okay Liam." I say, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, now you'd better go and explain to Zayn and Harry." He said. 

"Harry already knows. I explained it to him. The only reason Zayn doesn't know because I didn't know that I had more than one mate until the lake." I say as we walk inside. 

I walk right up the stairs and to Zayn's room. I knock on the door. Nothing. I press my ear to it and listen; the only thing I can hear is sniffling. I check the doorknob and it wasn't locked. I knock one more time and open the door, and Zayn looked at me.

"What do you want?" He asked. "I wanted to explain everything. Harry and I are-" I started, but he interrupted me. 

"Dating behind my back? I know. I saw you two making out." He says, glaring at me. 

"I was gonna' say that Harry and I, just like-" I tried to explain, but Zayn just cut me off again. 

"Just save it, Sarah! I know that you cheated on me! You know what? I reject you. Get out." He shouts at first, but then gets quieter. 

"What?" I ask. My eyes beg to let out tears, but I hold them back. 

"You heard me. I reject you." He says, walking towards me. I step back, until I'm out of the room, and he slams the door in my face, making the tears slide down my cheeks.

Harry walks out of his room, probably hearing everything. 

"Come here," he says, opening his arms. I run into them, and he hugs me, rubbing my back. 

"Shh. It's okay. Let it all out." He sooths. I sob into his shoulder as he picks me up. He carries me into his room and sits me down on the bed, keeping me on his lap. I cry into his shoulder and he rubs my back, "It's okay. It's gonna' be okay." I calm down and stop crying, but the hurt is still there.

"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I say. He nods, laying down on the bed. I walk out of his room. To be honest, I'm not going to the bathroom; I really need to be alone right now. You can't literally reject a mate and end the bond; the phrase 'I reject you' is just extremely painful and heartbreaking to hear from a mate.

I go to my room and grab a backpack. I put clothes, my health stuff, my phone, my unlimited phone charger and a few bottles of water into the bag. I go downstairs towards the front door, past the boys who are still sitting on the couch. 

"I'm going out. I'll be back later." I say. Before anyone can say anything, I'm out the door. I shift, pick up my bag in my mouth, and start to run.

After about an hour of running, I get to a cave, a couple miles out of the territory. I set down my stuff, and mark the cave as mine. I go out into the woods, and find food. After I eat, I run back to the cave. I lay down for about an hour before I hear something approaching from outside.

I peer outside to see an unknown wolf standing there, sniffing around. I growl at him and he growls back, attempting to challenge me for the cave. I run at him, tackling him to the forest floor. He attacks, biting my back as hard as he could. I yelp in pain, biting him back at the same time as he bites at my leg. After a small scuffle, I manage to chase him off. 

I go back inside, plopping down on the cold cave floor. I close my eyes, falling asleep.

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