Chapter 57

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I place my hands on the arms of the chair, lifting myself up to stand, trying not to move my abdomen. I partially sit down on the table, lifting up my shirt to check on my wound. It started to bleed again, and some blood is seeping from the bandage. 

I grab the extra bandage from my pocket and open the packaging, placing it next to me on the table. I slowly peel off the bandage, putting it on the table next to me. I use some Kleenex from the table to clean off the extra blood. 

As I place the bloody Kleenex down onto the table, I hear the door open. I am about to pull my shirt back down without the bandage on when a pair of hands grasp the shirt, pulling it back away from my wound. 

"Oh . . . oh my god! This is a lot of blood. What happened!" Niall exclaims. I hear the movie stop from the other room and internally groan, knowing the rest of the boys are on their way. 

"Look, I'll explain everything; just let me bandage this back up. I'll be in the living room when I'm done." I say, taking some Kleenex and dabbing up some more blood. 

"No, I'm gonna' help you bandage this up, and then we can both go to the living room. I have a feeling the other boys want an explanation as well."

Niall takes the bandage from the table and helps me apply the bandage, making sure it's secure before helping me down from the table, throwing away the used bandage and Kleenex. 

Niall wraps his arm gently around my waist and I put mine around his shoulder, supporting myself as we walk towards the living room. In the living room, he helps me sit down on the couch across from the boys as they all crowd around, wondering what happened.

"In case you didn't hear through your eavesdropping, Niall walked in the study and found me changing a bandage on my abdomen. Liam, before you say anything, I didn't lie to you guys. I told you that me and the Alpha were taking care of some business, and we were. It just happened to be the business that I warned you about later in the note: the rogues. Me, the Alpha and a whole bunch more wolves took care of the rogues. They won't be bothering us ever again." I look from boy to boy, waiting for a reaction. 

"But at what expense?" Zayn asks, looking down at my abdomen. I give him a confused look and he continues, "how badly were you hurt?"

I sigh, remembering what happened during the fight. 

"I got thrown against a tree, so I have some broken ribs, some particularly large lacerations across my abdomen and some scrapes on my leg. I was fighting the rogue leader; the one that attacked me while Liam and I were at the pack house a week back, so he was pretty strong." 

With the help of Niall, I stand up. I reach down to the hem of my shirt and lift it up, exposing my bandaged abdomen and my already bruised ribs. The boys gasp, examining the bandages and purple bruises that littered my body. I put my shirt back on and stand there, waiting for them to speak up.

"Why didn't you let us come with? We could've helped you!" Harry exclaims, tears welling up in his eyes. 

"Because, you don't know those rogues. They took out my entire pack in one swoop. We were just lucky we caught on to their plan earlier this time. Zayn, you were just kidnapped. The rest of you, with the exception of Liam, were attacked by those rogues and are lucky to be alive right now! You haven't been properly trained as warriors in a pack. Clay was after me. That's why he was attacking you guys. If you would have showed up, you would've been easy targets. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to go upstairs and get some much-needed sleep." 

I turn around and walk towards the stairs, but I don't get far. As I reach the staircase, a pair of arms wrap around me, picking me up bridal-style. I close my eyes from the pain, inhaling their scent: Liam.

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