Chapter 55

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I knock Clay to the ground, the Alpha fighting off his side-man. I go to clamp my teeth around his neck but he swings his legs up, sending me flying to the side. 

I scrape my paws on the ground, digging in my claws to stop myself from going any further, sprinting right back towards him. Before I can reach him, one of his smaller warriors takes aim at me, flinging himself at me. 

He aims for my leg and grips on, pulling me backwards. I groan in pain, surging myself towards his neck, which he had left completely exposed. I bite down and thrash, hearing his neck snap and his body collapse limp onto the ground.

I continue through the crowd, seeing the Alpha fighting Clay. The Alpha is starting to look worn out and is slowing down. I jump towards him, nudging him out of the way and picking up where he left off, standing between him and Clay. Clay Aims at me, his teeth locking around my abdomen. 

I let out a whine of pain, snapping my teeth around his muzzle, biting down. He lets go and I jump back, examining my wound. It hurts, but I can handle it. As I'm regaining my strength, Clay rams into me, sending me flying to the side, my rib smacking against a large tree. I whine in pain, standing myself back up only to be knocked back down against the tree.

Glancing back into the field, I see that our side is winning by a large margin. Most of the rogues had either surrendered at this point or were dead. I stand up, knowing I only had to hold on for a few more minutes until I could get some help. 

"Look around you, Clay. You lost; just give yourself up before anyone else gets hurt," I bargain as we circle around each other, backs hunched and teeth bared. 

A glimpse of fear flashes across his eyes before it was swallowed in anger. He lunges himself at me, and with my probably broken ribs, there isn't much I can do to defend myself. He bites at my side, his claws scraping at my leg. I take it for a few seconds, feeling myself start to bleed more, regaining my strength. 

Once I mustered all the strength I could, as a last resort to save my life, I attacked. Using all the strength I had left in me, I jumped towards him, my teeth latching around his neck. I held on with all my might as he backed up, trying to get out of my death-grip, but it was no use, and he seemed to know that. I twisted as hard as I could, hearing his neck snap.

"Sarah, we did it!" the Alpha called out as he rushed towards me as I let go of Clay, his body going limp on the ground. 

My vision starts to blur as I look towards my wound which is bleeding a lot more than I thought it was. The last thing I hear is the Alpha yelling my name as I collapse onto the ground, fading into darkness.

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