Chapter 18

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When I come to, I'm lying in human form on my bed upstairs. There is a very large bandage wrapped across my ribs. I go to sit up, instantly groaning in pain as I feel the ribs that must be bruised start to stretch around. I plop back against my pillow, looking around the room. 

Ignoring the searing pain in my ribs, I prop myself up with my hands, sitting up on the edge of the bed, letting my feet hit the floor. I grab my phone from the nightstand and look at the date. I had been asleep for two days. God, the boys are probably worried sick.

I stand up, barely supporting myself on my shaky legs and stumble towards the door, getting used to being on my feet again. I open the door and step out of my room, looking for the boys.

Slowly and carefully making my way down the staircase, I follow the noise of the boys' voices coming from the living room. I can hear them clearly; they're talking about me. Asking each other when they think I'll wake up or how much damage had been done. 

I look at my phone to see that it's 7:50, and I woke up roughly four minutes ago. I step into the room, smirking at them. "I think she'll wake up at 7:46 am today, roughly, and will be in slight pain but not too much to move around," I say, chiming in on their conversation.

The boys all freeze, turning to look at me, standing in the doorway, leant up against the wall. Niall springs himself over the couch and gingerly wraps his arms around me. 

"Oh my god, you're awake! You're gonna' be okay!" Niall sobs into my shoulder. I wrap my arms around him, brushing my fingers through his hair in order to calm him down.

Once Niall is able to calm himself down and release me from the hug, I get passed around from boy to boy, everyone encasing me in a gentle hug, not wanting to cause me any pain from my wounds. 

Zayn is the last one I get handed to, his hug having a slightly different meaning, now that we know for sure that we are mates. He places gentle kisses on the nape of my neck as he hugs me. 

"I was so worried; I'm so glad you're okay," he whispers into my ear. I smile into his chest, hugging him back. "I'm okay now, and I'm better, supposing my body did a lot of healing while I was out for two days." I say, chuckling.

Using Zayn for support, we all walk over to the couches. On the three-seater, I sit in the middle with Zayn on my right and Louis on my left. Liam sits down at my feet, watching as Niall and Harry pick out a movie. Eventually settling on Divergent, we all settle down, Niall sitting down at Zayn's feet and Harry sitting down at Louis' feet.

We watch the movie, softly talking amongst ourselves. Liam leans back against the couch, my legs on either side of his shoulders. I mindlessly start to play with his hair, swirling the strands around my fingers and lightly massaging his scalp. He leans back into my touch, resting his head on the back of the couch.

Once the movie is over, I decide to go for a walk to stretch my legs. I nudge Liam forward, hinting that I'm getting up off the couch. He scoots forward, allowing me room to get up off the couch. I slowly climb up the stairs, walking into my room and to the closet. 

I slide open the doors, revealing the many sets of clothes. I pick out a pair of black skinny-jeans and a white and blue striped button-down shirt. I quickly shed from my clothes, slipping the new outfit on.

Walking back down the stairs, I am about to go towards the front door when I am grabbed from behind, a hand placed over my mouth. I struggle in their arms, as much as I can with the large bandage confining my ribs, but stop once I hear their voice. "Hey, relax. It's just me." Harry frickin' styles.

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