Chapter 22

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I wake up to the sound of footsteps. I open my eyes to see a familiar wolf step inside: Liam. We both shift back to human.

"I'm surprised you found me so quickly," I say, looking over at him. 

"Why? Why did you run away?" He asks, as his eyes start to fog up with his tears. 

"I just . . . I needed to get out of there." I say. Liam steps over to me and engulfs me in a hug. I start to cry a little bit into his shoulder, and he rubs my back, calming me down.

He sits us down, me on his lap with my face buried in his shoulder. We stay like this for about ten minutes. Randomly, he stands up, sets me on my feet, and pins me against the cave wall with his body. 

"Sarah. . . is there any possibility that I am also your . . . mate?" He asks, almost unsure of his own actions. 

"Yes; Harry helped me figure the whole thing out. Because I was the only female wolf in the pack when you boys were transformed, you are all my mates." I say, smiling softly. 

Liam leans in and kisses me; softly at first, but then he gets more rough. He trails from my lips, to my mid shoulder, and back again.

A minute later, we pull apart. He rests his forehead against mine and opens his eyes, almost seeming to stare into my soul. 

"Please come back.... I already talked the mate thing over with Harry before I left, and he's fine, since he knows we don't have any control over it.... Please.... For us..." he says gently and soothingly.

"Alright, I'll come back. I just don't want Zayn near me at the moment. . . we didn't exactly leave things off on the best of terms." 

"Of course; anything you want." Liam says. We hug, and I go grab my back. I shift, grabbing my bag in my mouth. Liam shifts, and we run back to the house together.

As soon as I step inside, everyone but Zayn, who must still be in his room, are wrapping their arms around me. 

"Don't do that ever again! We missed you so much!" Niall and Louis exclaim. 

"I won't... promise." I say, hugging them. Next, it's Harry. 

"I love you so much. I was so worried about you," He says, hugging me tight, almost not wanting to let go. 

"It's alright... I'm fine... I'm back. You're okay." I say, realizing that Harry started to cry a little bit into my shoulder.

"Haz, can I talk to you for a second? In private?" I whisper to Harry as I let go of our hug. He nods, taking my hand and leads me upstairs.

"What did you need to talk about?" he asks, plopping himself down onto my bed. 

"I just needed it to be clear that you know what's happening with me and Liam. He realized before he left the cabin to come and find me that I was his mate as well, just like I'm yours, and like I'm Zayn's. I just needed to make sure you understood, and yes, I explained the tattoo situation to him as well." I say, sitting myself next to him. He grabs my hand, looking in my eyes. 

"Yes, Liam explained to me how he was feeling and I helped him understand. And yes, I do know that this is going to happen with Louis and Niall as well, once they realize that you're their mate. Although I am jealous that I'll have to share you with four other boys, I think I can get over it. That is, as long as I can get some alone time with you every once and a while," Harry jokes, wrapping his arms around my waist from the side. 

I smile, kissing him on the cheek before standing up, determined to get through to Zayn. Harry gets off the bed and follows me, a confused look on his face.

"I know Zayn, based on what I've experienced and what you guys have told me so far. And I know that there is no way to get through to him when he is being stubborn and does not want to listen, so I have a plan. Just go downstairs by the boys, and just so you know, if you hear shouting, just ignore it." I say. He nods, giving me a peck on the lips, walking down the stairs. 

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