Chapter 38

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We eat mostly in silence, talking about our days and just enjoying each other's company. After placing all of the dishes in the sink to wash tomorrow, we walk into the living room, shuffling towards the pile of movies. Louis grabs out Maze Runner and puts it into the DVD player, grabbing the remote from the end table. 

Walking over to the couch, I am nearly knocked over when Harry grabs my waist, pulling me towards him. He sits down on the middle cushion of the couch, placing me on his lap and wrapping his arms around my waist. I settle in, getting myself comfortable, my head resting back by his shoulder. Louis sits at our feet, laying his head against my knee. I massage his hair with my hands, my nails slightly scraping against his scalp.

Niall takes a seat on my right with Liam on my left, each laying their head on my shoulder. Zayn pouts, then says I can sleep with him in his room tonight, taking a seat on the ground next to Louis.

Watching the movie, I slightly jump when Thomas runs into the maze to help Minho. It was a really good movie.

When the movie is over, Louis, who must have fallen asleep while I was playing with his hair, is carried upstairs by Liam. I get up off of Harry's lap, grabbing Zayn's hand and leading him into my room. He sheds himself of his shirt, leaving him in a pair of sweats. He climbs onto the far side of the bed, patting the open spot next to him. I lay down against his chest while he pulls my blanket to cover us both. He places a gentle kiss to the top of my head as I feel myself falling asleep, breathing in the smell of his cologne.

When I wake up the next morning, Zayn is already gone. I stand up from the bed and stretch, walking over to the closet. I pull out a pair of skinny jeans and a white blouse. I jog down the stairs, looking around for the boys. I see a note on the counter, so I walk towards it, picking it up.

Meet me in the field, beautiful

Xoxo -Niall

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