Chapter 28

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Without a word, I go down the stairs and into my uncle's armory. Unlocking the door with the fingerprint scanner, I step into the room, eyeing all of the guns and weapons around me. 

I tie my security-belt around my waist, placing my Taser into the holster, then grabbing a Glock19 handgun and wrapping the holster on my belt. I grab a small cartridge of silver bullets for ammo as well as an extra clip, placing them in the holster by the gun. 

I grab a smaller bowing knife, wrapping it around my ankle; I lean down and put on my boots, which obstruct the view of the knife. I go upstairs into my Uncle's room, grabbing his leather jacket and slinging it around my shoulders, putting my arms through the sleeves. As I jog back down the steps, I ignore the boys and step outside. 

Going into the garage, I start up his Harley-Davidson Motorcycle, climbing on. I make it to the house with the Harley before the boys all surround me, trying to turn off the engine. I stop them, climbing off and walking away a little so I can hear them talk.

"Where the hell are you going!" Harry exclaims, looking at the artillery strapped around my waist. 

"I'm making a small trip to one of the other pack houses. If we are going to deal with this rogue problem, we need help; I'm imagining it's not just us with the problem. But if they get control of the mountain, we're screwed. We can't let this happen. I'm going to the Red River Pack's house. They were good friends of my father's and will help us. And no, none of you are coming with me; you need to stay here and defend the house and Niall, who is still hurt and is upstairs resting. Don't let anything happen to him, and keep each other safe. If you're leaving the property, don't leave without at least one person. Stay in groups, and don't leave anyone alone." 

I give them a somewhat large speech, but they needed to know what to do in case I had to leave and wouldn't be there to help them. I turn back towards my motorcycle, only to see that Liam has climbed on the back of it. 

"You said don't go off the property alone. That includes you too! So, I'm coming with you. You're our mate; we're not letting anything happen to you," Liam says, his eyes darkened.

I give each of the boys a hug and a kiss on the cheek, then walk over to the Motorcycle, climbing on in front of Liam. 

"Wrap your arms around my waist," I instruct, grabbing his arms from his lap and placing them around my abdomen. I reeve up the engine, putting the gear into Drive and speed off towards the pack house, not looking back.

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