Chapter 43

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The boys freeze at the question, Niall starting to cry into Liam's shoulder. 

"Niall was about to be taken away and Zayn pounced on them. They took Zayn instead. They just ran off with him. We were so scared that they would come back so we hid down here. We figured it'd be the safest option," Harry whispers, looking down at his hands.

"Liam, let's get them upstairs and to their rooms. I'll grab my medkit and work on their injuries while you attempt to mind-link Zayn." I say, grabbing Louis and Harry's hands, hoisting them up from the ground while Liam helps Niall, getting him up the stairs first. 

Harry walks forwards with no problem but I see Louis stumble, trying to cover it up. He wants to seem brave. 

I wrap my arm around Louis, helping him up the stairs. 

"Thanks," he mumbles, holding onto me for support. I put Louis into my room; it seemed like he was the most injured out of the boys. He probably tried to protect them. 

I grab my med kit from my closet and place it onto the bed next to him, grabbing out antiseptic and gauze. Louis rolls up his shirt, exposing the cuts and bruises littering his skin. I pour the antiseptic onto some cotton pads, holding Louis' hand with the other one. 

"This is gonna' sting," I say lightly and he grips my hand, nodding his head as a sign to start.

I lightly press the cotton against his biggest wound and hear him groan, tightening his grip on my hand. I continue cleaning him up. Once I have his biggest cuts bandaged, I roll his shirt back down, pressing a light kiss to his cheek. I hand him two painkillers and a bottle of water. He takes the pills, chugging down some of the water before slowly lowering himself back down onto my pillows. 

"You try and get some sleep. I've gotta go and help the rest of the boys, and then me and Liam are gonna' start making a plan to get Zayn back." I say, letting go of his hand.

I walk into Harry's room, seeing him taking a painkiller, sitting up on his bed. 

"Lay back down, mister. You are officially on bedrest," I say and he smirks. 

"Yes, ma'am" he says, laying his head against the pillows and settling in. I examine the wounds on his arms and chest, bandaging him up easily. He had barely any wounds compared to Louis. 

"Hey, would it be alright if I brought Niall in here? He's really worried about Zayn and I don't want him to be alone right now," I say, pulling his shirt back down after bandaging the cut on his abdomen. 

"Yeah. Bring him on in," he says. I nod, walking down the hall into Niall's room.

Niall smiles softly at me as I walk into the room, standing up and walking towards me. He wraps his arms around my waist, burying his face in the crook of my neck. I hold him as he cries, his tears dampening the shoulder of my shirt. 

As I hold him, I take this time to examine him for any wounds. I run my hands up and down his back, slightly applying pressure and checking for a reaction of pain. When I get none, I release him from the hug. 

"Does anything hurt?" I ask, grabbing his right arm and checking for any injuries, then moving onto his left. 

"No, I barely even got touched," he says, shaking his head. I nod, grabbing his hand and leading him out of his room. 

"Where are we going?" he asks as we walk down the hallway. 

"You are going into Harry's room to keep him company. Louis is in pain and asleep in my room, and Liam and I are going to find Zayn and make a plan."

I'm about to open Harry's door when Niall stops me, looking me dead in the eyes, fear littering his features. 

"No! Don't leave! They'll hurt you if they catch you!" he says, rapidly shaking his head. 

I cup his face with my hands, making him slightly relax. 

"No, me and Liam are not stepping foot outside of this property. We're gonna' clean up the house a bit and try to mind-link Zayn first. We're gonna' make a plan using a map, not by going outside. Don't worry, Ni. We'll be safe here." I say. 

I kiss him, feeling his arms wrap around my waist. I release him from the kiss, opening Harry's door and leading him inside. After Niall laid down next to Harry and they started talking, I walked out of the room, softly shutting the door behind me.

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