Chapter 51

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I follow Liam's voice downstairs into the living room. He's sitting on the couch with Louis and Niall, who both looked over at me when I walked down the stairs, stopping their conversation mid-sentence. 

"Have fun?" Niall says, winking at me. I blush, going over to the couch behind Louis and wrapping my arms around him, hiding my face in his neck. 

"Any luck with Harry?" I ask Liam, looking up. "No. Bloke wont' even open his door," he says sadly, looking over at me. 

"I'll go in there now, then." I say, letting go of Louis and jogging back up the stairs.

I go over to Harry's door and knock on it. 

"Hazza? It's me, Sarah." I say, pressing my ear against his door. 

No noise occurs from inside, making me believe he's sleeping. I try his door, and to my surprise, it's not locked. I open it slowly, seeing Harry lying on the bed, curled around one of my pillows, which I didn't even notice was missing from my bed. 

He has dried tears on his cheeks and his eyes are red and puffy. I go to the other side of the bed and lay down next to him, leaning on my elbow. I start to trace patterns into his back and he sighed softly, starting to wake up.

Now fully awake, Harry groans, curling against the pillow more. 

"Liam, just stop okay! She's gone, and she's not coming back!" he cries, beginning to sob into the pillow. 

I forcefully turn him around to face me, pulling the pillow away from his face. I press my lips softly against his and pull back, waiting for a reaction. He opens his eyes, looking at me. His eyes widen when he sees it's me. 

He grabs the back of my neck and presses his lips roughly against mine. I kiss back, our lips moving in sync as he pins me down on the bed, his hands roaming down my sides. He pushes his tongue into my mouth, not asking for permission and I groan, sliding my hands to the back of his neck, lightly pulling on a few strands of hair. He groans, kissing harder, but soon after, he pulls back, pressing his forehead against mine. He pants, regaining his breath, me doing the same, my hands still on the back of his neck, my fingers tangled in his hair. 

"I told you I'd be back," I say, smiling at him. 

He smiles wide and begins to softly laugh, wrapping his arms around me. I drift off to sleep, knowing that Zayn is safe.

When I wake up the next morning, Harry is still sleeping peacefully beside me. I get up slowly, trying not to wake him up as I walk out of his room and into mine. I grab out sweatpants, a tank top and a cardigan and change into the outfit. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbing out the pancake mix. After mixing all of the ingredients, I make around twenty pancakes, placing them onto plates at the island. I go up the stairs to wake everyone up.

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