Chapter 54

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The next couple of days went by in a blur. I spent as much time as possible with the boys, between horseback riding, cooking, watching movies, and cuddling. Me and Louis haven't done the mating process yet, and the fight is today. I get out of bed, glancing at the clock: 5:45 A.M. I go to my closet, pulling on a pair of jeans and a leather jacket. I grab my gun, slipping it into the waistband of my pants, pressing it against the small of my back. I tie my hair up tight, slipping a knife into my right combat boot, hiding it.

I quietly walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, stopping at the island. I grab a piece of paper and a pen, writing out a note to the boys. 

"To Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn. I am going with the Alpha to take care of some business and should be back by nightfall. If you leave the house, don't leave without another person. Those rogues are still out there and are waiting for an opportunity to attack. Stay safe. Xoxo, Sar"

I place the note on the island, looking sadly at the staircase. I shake the thought out of my head and walk out of the door and into the stable. I saddle up Jaren and lead him into the front yard. I climb up onto the saddle and gallop to the meetup point.

When I get there, the Alpha and his men are already all there. I get off of Jaren, handing the bridle to one of the Alpha's men who nods at me, pointing towards the clearing. 

The Alpha and his warriors, hearing me walk towards them, turn to me, nodding their heads at me. The plan is simple: get Clay to come into the clearing and attack him; he clearly wont' come alone, so we can take care of the rest of the rogues here as well. 

"They're on their way," an informant says, rushing over to us. We nod, looking at the other side of the clearing where the rogues start walking out of the clearing in a formation. 

They look around, their eyes landing on us as we start our approach, our group slightly smaller than theirs; the other wolves in the pack stay back, waiting for the attack to start so they can rush in.

We stop around thirty feet away from them. Everyone except Clay, the Alpha and I shift, turning into their wolves. I clench my fists, seeing the smirk on Clay's face. 

"So, is Zayn having a nice nap?" he asks, laughing. 

I smirk right back at him, "No, he's doing good; thank you for asking. That wolfsbane was a real bitch," I say. The grin is almost instantly wiped from his face and he glares over at us.

The Alpha shifts, me doing the same, stepping slightly in front of our group. "On my signal," the Alpha mind-links to everyone, his eyes not moving from Clay. The Alpha charges forwards, everyone flocking together as we surge our attack, the groups mixing together.

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