Chapter 41

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(A/N: Smut Warning! If you do not want to read this part, skip down to the "End of Smut Warning", as the end of this chapter is very important in outlying what happens next chapter!)

Liam leans down, quickly attaching his lips to mine. His hands make their way to my waist, pulling me towards him. As the kiss heats up, he reaches downwards and in one swift motion, picks me up off the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist while my arms go around his shoulder, keeping me steady as he starts to walk towards the cave. 

He gently lays me down on the blanket, laying himself down between my legs. He cups my cheek with his free hand, using his other one to hold himself up, not putting all of his weight on me. My hands roam his back, my fingers hooking on the bottom hem of his shirt and lifting it, pulling it over his head. 

He pulls my shirt over my head, tossing it to the side before pressing his lips against mine again. He trails down my neck and towards my collarbone as his hands work on my pants, pulling them downwards as I shimmy my legs out of them. He tosses them in the same direction my shirt went, trailing his lips back up to mine.

In one motion, he slips off his pants, tossing them to the side, not removing his lips from mine. He grinds his hips downwards, rubbing roughly against mine. I groan at the friction, reaching down and slipping off his boxers. He pulls down my panties. I feel him line himself up at my entrance as he breaks the kiss, looking down at me. 

"Are you ready?" he asks, panting. 

I nod, and before I can even react, he pushes into me. I arch my back as he rests his head on my shoulder, slightly biting into the skin. He gets into a steady rhythm, his hands gripping my hips while mine roam his back, trying to hold myself steady. I lift my legs and hook them around his waist, allowing him to go in at a deeper angle. 

I moan loudly as he hits my g-spot, arching my back. I feel him smirk against my shoulder, angling his hips to hit the same spot with every thrust. It doesn't take long before I'm at my high, tightening my core around him. His thrusts start getting sloppy and I start moving my hips in figure eights, helping him ride out his high. He pulls out, nearly collapsing on top of me, resting his head near my collarbone. I wrap my arms around his back, placing a kiss on his temple. He sighs, wrapping his arms around me.

He slowly climbs off of me, opening the backpack and grabbing out our extra clothes. I slip on the new underwear, sweats, and sweatshirt. Liam does the same, and soon, we're lying on the blanket, my head on his chest and leg sprawled across his waist. His arms wrap protectively around my waist, placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head. "Sleep well, love." He whispers, holding me close. I fall into a deep sleep, listening to the gentle sound of his heartbeat.

(A/N: End of smut warning)

When I wake up the next morning, Liam is still asleep. I look up at him, my fingers lightly tracing his skin. 

"It's rude to stare, you know," he says, opening his eyes. I feel my cheeks heat up, looking anywhere but him. 

"Awh, you're so cute when you're embarrassed," he teases, poking my nose with his pointer finger. 

I scrunch my face, wiggling my nose as if it was itchy. He laughs and I stand up, walking over to the entrance and stepping into the bright light.

"What time is it?" I ask, looking back at Liam, seeing him getting up from the blanket. 

"Umm, it's around ten." 

He walks over to me, kissing me on the cheek before turning to look outside, "We should get going soon."

I nod, walking back towards the bag and pulling out two granola bars, handing one to him. He takes it gratefully, unwrapping it and taking a large bite of it. I open mine and take a few bites, eating most of it before putting it back into the bag along with Liam's empty wrapper. 

Liam gathers the blanket in his arms, stuffing it into the backpack before grabbing it from me, placing it onto the cave floor. He shifts, picking up the bag, holding it in his mouth. I shift, shaking off my fur before taking off towards the cabin, Liam following directly behind me.

When we get back to the cabin, I freeze in shock, stopping at the gate and shifting back to human. Liam does the same, staring off at the destruction before our eyes.

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