Chapter 39

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Smut Warning!

(A/N: if you do not want to read this chapter, here is the summary. M/C (main character) and Niall have a small picnic in the field and complete the mating process)

I smile, walking over towards the door. I don't bother shifting, just walk to the field like Niall directed. In the middle of the field, I can see Niall, standing there, watching me as I jog towards him. He had set up a little picnic: there was a large blanket on the ground and a basket, which he most likely packed full with food. 

I smile as he meets me at the edge of the blanket, kissing me on the lips he lays down on the blanket, patting the spot next to him. I lay next to him, looking over at him. He pulls out two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches from the basket, handing one of them to me. "I know it's nothing like what you cooked last night, but I hope it's good," he says, laying down on his back. "It's perfect, Ni," I say, taking a bite and looking up at the sky.

We lay there in a comfortable silence, eating our sandwiches and cloud-watching. I finish eating at the same time as him; he grabs both of our plates and places them into the basket.

 "I've been meaning to tell you something, ever since the whole mating process has started." He says, sitting up, looking off across the field. I sit up, looking over at him. 

"What is it, Ni?" I ask, frowning. 

"I'm kind of . . . a virgin," he says, a blush forming across his cheeks. 

"It's okay that you're a virgin, Ni. You were waiting for the right person to come into your life, or you just never got the chance, and that's completely okay! I didn't lose my virginity until I was eighteen, and I used to be embarrassed because all of my friends lost it before I did, but I wasn't ready, and I knew that, so I waited until I was ready. And if you're still not ready, I completely understand. We can wait if you're uncomfortable." I say, placing my hand on his. 

"NO! I mean . . . I want this. Only if you want to, of course..." he says quickly, brushing off my last question, looking over at me.

Niall slowly leans towards me, pressing his lips against mine. I respond instantly, placing one hand around the back of his neck and the other on the collar of his shirt, pulling him down towards me. 

He lays himself between my legs, which instinctively wrap around him. I gently pull on some of his hair, twirling the strands around my fingers. I can feel his lips vibrating against mine as he hums pleasurably deep in his chest as I gently pull on a strand of hair at the nape of his neck, right above his pack tattoo. His hold on my hips slowly tightens in a pleasurable way as his tongue licks almost hesitantly at my bottom lip. 

I give in, his tongue exploring the crevices in my mouth before he pulls away, moving his lips on a trail from my jawline to the crook of my neck where he sucks and nips on the skin roughly. He moves his lips back towards mine, continuing to get more heated. His hand starts to lift up my shirt, separating the kiss only once so he can pull it off and toss it somewhere behind him. 

His hands rest on my waist once more as he moves his lips down my neck, beginning to move towards my chest. He kisses down the valley of my breasts, continuing down my stomach, stopping right at my pants. Teasing, he slowly undoes the button, dragging the sipper down with his teeth. I groan, slightly lifting my hips up to help him slide my pants off, kicking them off my ankles. He moved back up to my lips, pressing his lips roughly against mine.

Niall presses his thumb roughly against my clit, making me moan out loudly, not expecting him to be so forward. He smirks, dragging my panties down my legs, me kicking them off behind us. He begins rubbing circles around it, making me moan into his mouth, reaching down towards his shirt, grabbing the bottom of it and slipping it over his shoulders, tossing it behind him. I rub my hands down his back, lightly massaging the backs of his shoulders.

I reach down to his belt, unstrapping it and grabbing the button of his pants, undoing it. I put my hand onto his shoulder, gently pushing him until he is laying down, flipping myself on top of him. I slip his zipper down, just as painfully slow as he had done to mine, hearing him groan. I slide his pants down his legs, him easily kicking them down his ankles. His boxers come off next, quickly sliding them down his ankles and tossing them behind me. I straddle his thighs, feeling his tip at my entrance, but don't move any further. 

"Are you one hundred percent sure you want to go through with this? I don't want to do this if you're not one hundred percent ready." I say, looking down at him. 

"I want this," he says, nodding his head. I look in his eyes for any sign of doubt or discomfort, but when I see none, I slowly sink down on him. Niall groans, throwing his head back. I stop when he's all the way in, letting myself adjust to his size.

I start moving my hips forward and backwards, thrusting him in and out of me. 

"Holy fuck," he groaned, his mouth dropping wide open. All of a sudden, Niall rolls us over so he's on top, picking up the speed. I groan as he reaches down, palming my breast as he presses his lips roughly against mine, not letting up the speed. 

"Ni," I moan, putting my hands on his biceps to give myself something to hold onto. 

"I-I'm so close." He moaned. 

"I'm close too," I said, panting. I wrap my legs around him, allowing him to go in deeper. I moaned loudly as he hit my g-spot, releasing around him. He groaned and finished directly after, resting his head in the cook of my neck and biting down as he got through his orgasm.

He laughs, panting. "That was so much better than I thought it would be." I laugh, taking a deep breath. We lay there for a minute, regaining our breath before standing up. My legs wobble as I walk towards my clothes, gathering them from around the small area. I slip on my underwear and pants, followed with my bra, but I can't seem to find my shirt. 

"Hey, Sarah? I think I grabbed the wrong shirt..." I hear Niall laugh from behind me. I turn around, seeing him with my shirt, which just barely fit on him, and was higher up on his waist than it would be on me. 

"Keep it, it suits you," I joke, grabbing his shirt and slipping it on. His eyes go slightly darker and he takes my shirt off, holding it in his hands. 

"Well, I don't know about your shirt on me, but mine looks perfect on you. You can keep it," he winks, kissing me. He gathers the blanket and stuffs it into the basket, picking it up by the handle. He wraps his free hands around mine, pulling me close to him as we walk back towards the cabin.

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