Chapter 29

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Along the way, Liam started to pepper small kisses across my neckline on my shirt, not moving his arms from around my waist. 

"You know that is very distracting. If we get in an accident, it's your fault." I say, not taking my eyes from the road. It's pitch black out, no light in the area other than my headlights. 

When we reach the pack house, all of the people there stand up quickly, beckoning someone, who I would assume is their best warrior, over to the front line, forming a barrier between us and the house. 

I stop the Harley, climbing off, Liam doing the same. He instinctively stands in front of me and I push him slightly to the side, standing next to him, looping my arm around his.

"What is your business here?" the man in front calls out. "I'm here to see the Alpha. I'm Sarah from Moonlight Pack. We're having a bit of a rogue problem, hoping you could help us out with it. I'm imagining you're having the same problem." I speak, my voice bellowing out across the crowd. 

"Sarah? Wait, I thought the whole Moonlight Pack was destroyed," his eyes narrow at me. 

"I survived; I ran and managed to get away. But recently, my mate was hurt in an attempt on his life, and I do not take kindly to that. So please, either get the Alpha, or tell him I would like to see him."

There is a short silence before one person in the crowd steps out, slowly walking towards us. I turn around, lifting my hair off the back of my neck to show him the pack tattoo, engraved in black ink when I first transformed. 

"It is you," I hear him say from behind me. I turn around, eyeing the man, trying to figure where he knows me from. Liam instinctively places his arm around my waist, nervously glancing down at me. 

"It's fine; they just needed to be sure it was me and not someone claiming to be me. Relax." I mind-link to him. He turns his gaze to the man in front of us, who cowers under his gaze and walks back to the group. The man in front walks to us, his arm outstretched in front of him. (pictured above)

"Mrs. Peterson, it is an honor. Your father was a great man, and I'm sure you are the same." He says. I take his hand, shaking it in mine. I hear Liam growl lowly but I ignore him. 

That's when I smell it. It was faint at first, and I couldn't tell what it was, but now it's distinct. One of the wolves that attacked Louis and Niall, the one that got away. His scent; he's here.

I push the thought out of my head for now, focusing back on the man standing in front of us.

"Now, is the Alpha still Jeremy?" I ask, releasing his hand. 

"Yes, he is. Follow me; you can leave your guard dog here; you'll be completely safe with us. You were the Moonlight Pack's best warrior, after all." He jokes, but I pay no attention. 

"No. If I'm going anywhere, he is coming with me." I say. Liam lets go of his arm around my waist and moves it to intertwine our fingers, looking down at me, a wary look on his face. 

"I don't trust this; are you sure you want to go inside?" he mind-links and I nod, answering his question, not removing my gaze from the man in front of me. 

"Why do you need someone just here to guard you to come inside? You are completely safe with us. If you can't remember, we used to play together as pups while our fathers talked about Alpha business." He says, slightly tilting his head. 

"Because he is my mate, and although I do trust you, I don't know everyone here well enough to trust them with him." I say, glancing up at Liam before returning my gaze to the man. He nods sharply, beckoning us to follow him.

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