Chapter 40

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From here, we can see the rest of the boys, chasing each other on the lawn. I laugh as Liam full-on tackles Harry onto the ground and Zayn, who is backed into a corner by Louis, grabs the garden hose and sprays him full power. 

We walk towards the group, watching as Zayn, who is now chasing Louis around, trips over the hose, face-planting on the ground. My laughter seems to snap them all out of it as they look towards where the sound came from. 

Liam rushes over to me, grabbing me and lifting me off the ground. I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist, placing my hands on his shoulders and linking my fingers at the back of his neck, keeping myself from falling. Niall walks towards the others, tackling Harry, who had just gotten up after Liam had tackled him, sending him flying onto his back, right back onto the ground. 

"My turn, huh?" he whispers, placing an open-mouthed kiss right below my ear. I giggle, placing a kiss on his cheek. 

"Why don't we take one of the horses out further into the woods? We can go to that cave that you saved me from. It's claimed for the pack, so it's ours." I say and he nods, putting me down on the ground. 

"Let me just go inside and pack some stuff, then we can go, m'kay?" I say, walking towards the house. Liam wraps his arms around my waist, picking me up from behind and spinning me around. 

"Nooooo, why can't we just go?" He whines into my ear, kissing my neck once more. 

"Because we need water, a blanket, and at least a few granola bars or something to hold us over until we get back." I say, prying myself out of his arms and running towards the house, Liam hot on my heels.

I jog up the stairs, grabbing a backpack and stuffing the biggest blanket inside, the few water bottles from our jog all still in the bag. Shuffling over to my closet, I grab myself a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants and underwear. I go into Liam's room and grab a sweatshirt, an extra pair of boxers, and a pair of sweats for him, placing them into the bag.

I jog downstairs, meeting Liam in the kitchen as he puts a handful of granola bars into the bag, zipping it up and slinging it over his shoulder. 

"Can you go and tell the boys where we are, just in case we get ambushed? I've gotta' go and saddle up one of the horses," I say, looking up at him. 

"Well, why don't we just shift and run there? And if we need the boys, they can just follow our scent, or we can mind-link them and tell them where we are, or describe the route we took to get to the cave. I think we'll be safe, love." He says, smiling softly down at me. I nod, grabbing his hand, intertwining our fingers. We walk out of the door, shutting it.

"I think we'll have the house to ourselves tonight, lads," I hear Harry say as Liam puts the bag down onto the ground and we both shift. He grabs the bag into his mouth and I rush ahead, hearing the pitter-patter of his feet as he follows me towards the cave.

When we reach the cave, Liam goes out to gather some firewood while I make a small bed area for us. I place down the blanket on the ground near the entrance, fluffing it so it's somewhat soft. I set our bag down next to it, opening it and grabbing out a water bottle, taking a slow sip. 

Hearing Liam asking for the lighter, I walk outside with it in my hand, seeing a small, unlit campfire set up ten feet away from the cave. I toss it to him and he lights the kindling, setting the wood ablaze. We curl up next to the fire, talking about previous experiences with people and things. When it starts to get dark, he wraps his arm around my waist, resting his hand on my hip. 

"So, what was your most dangerous security detail? I mean, besides trying to wrangle the boys." He asks, looking down at me. 

"Well, there was a time that I was working security at a casino. I had worked there for almost three years and there had never been any complications. I would walk around, make sure people were old enough to gamble, and escort out anyone that was a danger to the people around them, or just would not listen to instructions given to them by other security officers or workers.

But there was one day that this man walked towards the slots. There was something about him that I couldn't place, but it put me on edge. I talked about the feeling to other security officers and they just thought I was being paranoid. I agreed with them, and tried to push the thought to the back of my head, but I ended up watching him for most of the night. 

It was probably around two in the morning when he started to lose a lot of money. I saw him switching machines, starting to get irritated as he would continuously lose. Eventually, as a worker at the snack bar was walking past him, he snapped. He grabbed her by her hair and started screaming at her, saying someone was sabotaging his machines and making him lose. Me and another security officer approached but before we could react, he pulled out a gun and pointed it at the girls head.

She was justifiably terrified; she had to be only around sixteen or seventeen years old, and was visibly shaking. So, I dropped my security belt on the ground, turned around and put my hands over my head. I told him to switch her out for me.

At first, he said no, but I managed to convince him that if he took me, he could get more of his money back. He shoved her on the ground and grabbed me. He had the barrel of the gun directly against my temple, so any pressure on the trigger and I wouldn't be here right now. But, me and the police, once they were able to show up, started to negotiate. 

We managed to distract him; told him that if he would go to the counter, he could get his money back and he could leave. The officer pointed all the way to his left and when he looked, it distracted him enough so the officer that was approaching from behind him could grab the gun and I could spin and get myself out of there."

Liam looks at me in shock. "You could be dead right now! W-why did you have to switch places with that girl? Yes, you probably saved her life by doing it, but you could have died if they said the wrong thing!"

He stands up, pacing around the fire. 

I stand up and grab his hand, stopping him from moving. 

"I get that completely, Li. I get that it's worrisome, but my job is fast paced and high stress. I had trust in the police officers that we could either talk him down or disarm him without anyone getting hurt, and it worked. I'm alive because of that trust. It's the same trust I had in the officer when there was the incident at the college. I trusted him to grab the knife while I had her distracted." I say, looking up at him. 

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