Chapter 49

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I jog down the steps and into the study, sitting down at one of the chairs. I pick up one of the IV bags and rotate it around, looking for any clear sign that this is something I've seen before. But there's nothing. I really need to think about this. 

The rogues know that we're shifters, obviously, so maybe it was something that can hinder a shifter. I quickly get off of the chair and go over to the bookshelf, grabbing all of the books I have on shifters, around 11 or 12, all hardcover, and all very big. I set down the piles of books on the other side of the table. I grab the book on top, placing it in front of me, looking through the index.

Halfway through looking through the book, I hear the door open from behind me. I put a piece of paper in the book before turning around, seeing Louis standing there, a smile on his face. I stand up, opening my arms wide. He rushes to me, wrapping his arms around me and picking me up, spinning me around. He releases me from the hug, quickly pressing his lips against mine. I smile, releasing him from the kiss, and he looks down at the books and IV bags. He picks one of the bags up, shaking it around. 

"What is this?" he asks, looking down at it. 

"They were pumping this into Zayn with an IV. I'm trying to find out what it is; I think it's why he hasn't woken up yet."

Louis frowns, looking down at it. 

"What's that purple thing?" I frown, looking at him. 

"Lou, are you on something? There's nothing purple in the entire house." I say, looking at him. 

"No, well besides purple hair dye but that is to be discussed at a later date. I mean, there' something purple in the bag. It's very small, but I can see it." He says, pointing to the corner of the bag. 

I look, and indeed, there is a very small speck of purple.

"Alright well, that narrows my search down. It looks soft, almost like an herb." I say. 

I look at the pile of books, pushing them all to the side. I scatter them on the table, grabbing the one about herbs and placing it in front of me. I scroll through the book quickly, looking through the different herbs until one catches my eye. 

"Wolfsbane, also known as aconite or monkshood, is a poten herb and a shifter's weakness. If pumped into their body, it will weaken a shifter and they will not wake up unless the cure is administered.

To make the cure, you will need lavender oil, cinnamon powder, rose petals, dried rosemary, and ginger root. Spread the lavender oil on the forehead of the affected. Then, using your mortar and pestle, ground up the cinnamon, petals, rosemary and ginger. Mix it with some water and heat it up. The same way the wolfsbane is ingested is the same way the cure must be administered."

I look over at Louis. 

"I think I know what we're dealing with." I say, grabbing the IV bag and rushing into the kitchen. I grab all of the ingredients and place them onto the island, grabbing the mortar and pestle and placing it there as well.

"What is it? What's keeping him asleep?" Louis asks, rushing behind me to keep up. 

"Wolfsbane; at least, I think so; I know how to test it." I move to the sink, motioning for Louis to follow me. I grab an IV tube from the cabinet by the sink and attach it, not yet letting the liquid flow. 

"Don't freak out; it'll burn, but it's not harmful to me in such a small quantity," I say, handing Louis the IV bag and raising his arm into the air so he's holding it up. 

I hold my arm over the sink and let less than a teaspoon of the liquid out, flowing it onto my arm. I wait for a few seconds, waiting for my skin to react. 

When it starts to uncontrollably burn, I have my answer; it's wolfsbane. I go to the island and quickly mix the ingredients, feeling my arm continue to sting worse and worse. 

I quickly sprinkle the cure onto my arm, feeling the pain start to fade. A look of relief crosses my features and I nod my head. 

"It's wolfsbane," I laugh, taking a deep breath. 

"How bad did that hurt?" He asks, his eyes going wide. 

"A lot. Now, let me finish the cure and get it up to Zayn."

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