Chapter Five; Future ---->

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"Who would send something like this?" Lacey questions.

"And what happens 'soon'?" Lindsey asks.

I stare at Harry as he glared down angrily at the piece of paper with the word soon written on it. Strangely enough, I can feel heat coming from Harry's body with how angry he is.

I stand up from the living room sofa and walk over to him while the others debate on who might have sent the note. When I get over to Harry, I place my hand onto his arm. His eyes snap down to mine and I send him the best forced smile that I could muster.

"Could it have anything to do with the wolf that you killed the other night?" I ask him, causing everyone's voices to halt. I remove my hand from Harry's arm as I watch him think. Suddenly, he turns to Liam.

"Sabour." He says and Liam's face holds that of dread. Who is Sabour? I look up to Harry.

"Who's that?" I ask him and he visibly tenses up before peering down at me.

"Our enemy." He says, anger taking over his features.


"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Harry asks me for the hundredth time. I sigh and turn to him.

"These people know where I live, Harry. My family isn't safe as long as I continue to live at home." I tell him and he nods. I sigh and watch as Lacey sneaks into my house from across the street.

She is going to make my parents and Quinn believe that I have gone away for school. Lacey and Harry both promised me that they will be safe now that I'm not at the house anymore. I can't even go back to school, another thing that Lacey said that she can fix.

"Can we go?" Harry nods at my question and starts his car, quickly driving away. Tears filled my eyes at the thought that my life will never be the same again.

"I'll protect you. You'll be well looked after at the castle." He promises me and I nod, smiling softly as I turned to him.

"Thank you, Harry. That means a lot." I tell him and he nods and I turn back to looking out of the window. We make our way to Harry's Kingdom... My new home.


This is the castle?

This is the castle?

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"Welcome home." Harry says and I nod.

Welcome home indeed.


My parents would just be settling down on the sofa right now, ready to watch their hospital programme that I never bothered to learn the name of. Quinn would be in her room, starting her tutorial on the latest beauty trend. And me, I would be exploring the woods more.

The woods... The place that changed my entire life and turned it completely on it's head. I sigh as I look around at the bedroom that I was in. Harry temporarily put me in here so that I can get some rest while he runs errands. However, it's been over an hour and sleep continues to elude me. I wonder how much my parents remember about me? Do they remember the... Incident?

Just as I was letting my thoughts consume me, the door opens and Harry peaks his head in. He looks a little disappointed to see that I'm awake, but, it quickly disappears. He shuts the door and comes over to me.

"I just come to tell you that Lacey's back. It's done." He says and I nod, thanking him quietly. He sighs and walks over to me. He places his forefinger and thumb under my chin and gently lifts it up to face him. "I asked Lacey to imprint the castle number into your parents heads so that they can call." He tells me and I smile. I reach out and grab his wrist that is connect to my chin.

"Thank you, Harry." I tell him honestly and he nods with a smile. That's when I realized for the first time how much Harry cares for me and I'm now definitely seeing him in a different light.

I stand up and he goes to move away, but, I grabbed his hand and he immediately turned to look at me. I leaned forward and gently placed my hand on the back of his neck. I bring his head down to my level and press my lips to his ever so softly.

He responds immediately and brings me closer to his body. That's when I knew. Call me crazy, say that I'm moving to quickly, I don't care. This is when I knew... This is where I want to be for a long time to come.


- SI444

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- SI444.

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