Chapter Twenty-7; The Truth ---->

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I hadn't let go of Harry's hand since I told him that we need to talk. I could feel his anxiousness from a mile away and it was making me feel anxious just as much as him. I didn't know how to start the conversation because I know that no matter how I start it, by the end of it, he will be feeling very confused, hurt and maybe even angry. Leena had some very interesting things to say and I didn't even believe her at first until she made some very convincing points, ones that she couldn't possibly have known unless she was telling the truth. Looking into Harry's eyes, I knew that telling him would be the nicest thing that I could ever do for him, for only keeping it away from him would only cause him more pain in the future.

"The reason why I went 'missing' today was because I was talking to Leena." I start off by saying and Harry frowns, tilting his head slightly to the left. 

"Leena? Why would you need to see her?" He asks the very question that I knew he would ask, preparing me for my next answer.

"I wanted to know why Sabour dedicated his life to hurting you. And I did. I found out why." I tell him, trying to ease him gently into my next answer, the one that I knew would change his life forever and make him question his very existence. He nods, gesturing for me to continue and I suck in a huge breath and tighten my hold on his hand. "Sabour was... Your half Brother, your Mum's Son." I finally say, breathing slowly as I wait for Harry's reaction. He doesn't move at first, staring straight ahead as the cogs in his head turn frantically. I don't push him, however, I just... Wait. 

"How do you know she's telling the truth?" He suddenly asks and I go ahead and tell him of my findings, the ones that convinced me that Leena is telling the truth.

"She said that you wear a ring. A specific ring that was given to you at birth by your Mum. Your Brother has an identical one and it occasionally glows, but, you've always thought that it was your Mum's way of looking over you. However, it meant that Sabour was nearby." I explain, waiting for his reaction with bated breath. I just told my mate that he killed his Brother that tried to kill him and he is acting surprisingly calm. Then again, what was I expecting? For him to trash the place? Yell and scream? Cry? I don't really know what I was expecting, but, I was expecting something. "I'm going to give you some space. I'll be in the office if you need me." I tell him softly and then stand up. However, before I could take a step away from him, his hand reaches out and grabs mine, halting my movements. I turn back around to face him. 

"Please. Stay." Is all he says and I nod, settling back down next to him, his hand still gripping mine tightly. No words are exchanged, but, none are really needed to be said. I just calmly and comfortably sit beside Harry, giving him as much time as he needed to process all the information just given to him. "I should care." After a good ten minutes, he finally speaks, but, it's not what I was expecting. I frown at his words, not quite understanding what he meant by them.

"What? What do you mean?" I ask him gently and he sighs.

"I should care about everything you just told me, but, I don't. I don't care that my Mum had an affair, I don't care that Sabour was my Brother and I don't care that Leena is my Sister-in-law. The only thing that I care about is you and if there is a threat against you, the person or persons responsible will be taken out. Even if I'm related to them." 


- SI444

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- SI444.

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