Chapter Sixty; Epilogue ---->

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Twenty Years Later:

I smile, watching Teddy dance with his Wife on the ballroom dance floor.

I bring the goblet of blood up to my lips, taking a sip of the delicious liquid.

I turn my head to the left, my beautiful Husband entering my sight.


I watch him as he watches Mai-Anne dance with her Fiancé.

I lightly sigh and reach out my hand to place it on top of his, giving me his attention.

"You can let go now, bub. Teddy is married with a child of his own on the way and Mai-Anne is getting married herself. We did good, Harry." I say, reassuringly rubbing his forearm with my hand.

He smiles at me, his infamous dimples coming out of hiding.

"Come. I have something to show you." He says, standing from his throne and holding his hand out to me to take.

I frown, but, take his outstretched hand and let him pull me up.

He leads us out of the ballroom and all the way to our bedroom.

He locks the door once we are inside and I watch as he goes over to his bedside table and opens the last draw.

When he returns to me, I see that he has Margi's pocket watch in his hands.

"I've been working with Louis and Lainey to fix it so that it can transport us to the past and return us safely. Happy Anniversary, darling." He says and I smile, throwing my arms around his neck and my lips to his.

"Thank you. Let's use it, here, now." I say, my eyes swimming with adoration and love.

"Where do you want to go back to, baby?" He asks and I smile, taking the pocket watch from him and flipping it open.

"To where it all started." I say and set the date, the scenery warping.

Chapter One:

We land in our old classroom. Our teacher is writing on the board and I'm copying down notes.

The door opens and two guys step in. One has light brown hair and blue eyes. He's also very pale. However, the other guy had dark brown curly hair that he had obviously tried to tame and the most piercing green eyes that I had ever seen. He wasn't as pale as the other guy, but, had muscles.


I frown as I stare at green eyes. There's something about him that I can't quite put my finger on. Throughout the lesson, I kept giving him side way glances until he turned and glared at me. I quickly grew uncomfortable and turned away, my face turning red with embarrassment.

Chapter Three:

When the scene stops, I realize that we are in the forest behind my old house.

The wolf lay dead on the ground, it's throat completely torn out. Standing over the creative is what looks like a man. He's quite tall and has familiar tamed curly brown hair and is very pale. That's when he turns around. My heart drops to the bottom of my stomach.

It's Harry. I remember this.

Chapter Five:

We appear at Harry's cover house, Everyone is there.

"Sabour." He says and Liam's face holds that of dread. Who is Sabour? I look up to Harry.

"Who's that?" I ask him and he visibly tenses up before peering down at me.

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