Chapter Twenty-6; Blissfully Painful ---->

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The dungeons were freezing in comparison to the rest of the castle. The steps felt cold under my feet as I made my way down them. I am determined to get the answers that I want before she's killed. I got to the bottom, not even knowing where to start looking for her cell for there are cells lined up on either side of the room by the hundreds. I spot a guard nearby and make my way over to him. He immediately straightens up and bows when he sees me. I send him a smile, but, all I receive back is a gulp. 

"How may I assist you, my Queen?" He questions and I sigh, looking around at my surroundings one last time, coming to the conclusion that I won't find her cell on my own without a little help. I turn back to the guard and nod.

"Actually, there is something that I need help with and you're just the person to help me if you can." I say and the man nods immediately. 

"Of course, my Queen. What is it that you need?" He asks and I smile.

"I need to know which cell Leena Marcel is in. She's scheduled to be executed this afternoon." I tell him and he nods, leaving his post and making his way over to a filing cabinet that I didn't realize resided here. He opens the cabinet using a key and flips through various files before pulling out a lightly tanned brown folder. He shuts the cabinet draw, it clicking shut before making his way over to me. He hands me the folder with a bow and I happily take it from him.

"Everything you need to know about Leena Marcel is in that folder, Your Highness. May I be of service in another way, my Queen?" He asks and I tear my eyes away from the folder to look up at him. I shake my head politely.

"No, thank you. Your work here is done." I tell him and he bows one last time before returning to his post. First things first, I need to know which cell she is in. flipping through the folder, I get to the back page where a number is imprinted.


I make my way down the aisles, looking for that cell number. After searching for a few minutes, I come to a cell hidden in the back, away from view. Peeking in, I come face to face with Leena Marcel, Sabour's soul mate. She looks up upon hearing a presence approach her and glares deathly at me. "I think we need to talk, don't you, Leena?"



"Oh, Liam? Have you seen Regina this morning?" I question Liam and he shakes his head, walking closer to me.

"Not since last night after your engagement announcement. Why? Is something wrong?" He asks me, a frown on his face. I shrug and sigh.

"It's probably nothing, Lee, but, I can't seem to find her. I've checked her usual haunts and I don't want to worry her Father or Sister if I don't have to." I tell him and he nods.

"I'll start a low key search. Don't worry, Haz. We'll find her." Liam says, patting my shoulder before walking away. 

"Find who?" The one voice that I dreaded hearing sounds from behind me and I groan inwardly and turn around, coming face to face with Regina's Father. I send him a forced smile, knowing that I couldn't keep this from him.



I slam the door to the dungeons closed and I come face to face with Louis, making me yelp and jump back in fright. Louis sniggers at my discomfort and I glare at him after I had regained myself.

"You know, you should be a Ghost, not a Vampire!" I say, trying to catch my breath.

"Well, given that you've had half of the castle looking for you and Harry and your Father worried out of their minds, I have every right to scare you." He says and I frown.

Wait, what?

"What do you mean 'half the castle'? Why is everyone looking for me? I am allowed to wonder by myself you know." I snap back at him and he sighs, his demeanor changing to that of someone who is... Relieved?

"Nobody could find you, Regina. Harry and your Father are worried sick. Harry is practically pulling his hair out, but, don't tell him I said that." He says and I nod, sighing right after.

"Well, I suppose I should go and show Harry and my Dad that I'm not dead. Thanks, Louis." I tell him, making my way back up to the main castle area.

I make my way up to Harry and I's office,  checking to see if he or my Dad is in there. Opening the door, I come face to face with an empty office. Frowning, I close the door and decide to check our bedroom. Opening the door, I peak inside. Nothing. I sigh and make my way down to the garden. When my search turns up nothing there either, I start to grow worried. I go back inside and bump right into a hard chest. Looking up, I see Harry, causing relief to course through my body.

"That right there is how I felt this morning when I couldn't find you. Don't ever do that to me again, do you hear?" He says and I nod, leaning up to kiss his lips in apology. 

"I'm sorry, Bub. However, I did find out something that we need to talk about." I tell him, taking his hand and leading him upstairs to our bedroom.


- SI444

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- SI444.

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