Chapter Seven; Queen Without A King ---->

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One Week Later:

"It's been tough. I messed up a few things, luckily Liam was there to help me. I don't know how you singlehandedly handle this Kingdom, Harry. I've barely been able to manage a week and yet, you've managed decades. Wow, one week... They say that the swealing in your brain is decreasing. Hopefully, they can wake you up soon. I... I miss you, Harry. I'll see you tomorrow." I tell him, gently letting his hand go and standing up, making my way out of Harry's hospital room.

"Regina!" I turn to see Liam jogging over to me. I stopped walking and waited for him to reach me. When he does, he sends me a friendly smile. "How is he?" Liam asks and I sigh, beginning to walk once more.

"I've given you guys permission to enter Harry's room. You can find out for yourselves." I tell him, reaching the entrance to the Wing. Liam nods.

"We know, it's just... Harry wouldn't approve. It's been this way for centuries now." He explains to me and I nod, understanding where he and the others were coming from. "Even Niall felt uncomfortable when he had to enter the room to explain the situation last week." He finishes and I nod once again.

"The doctors and nurses say that the swealing in his brain is going down. They're actually hopeful that he'll wake up soon." I say and for the first time ever, I actually see Liam smile so wide that I worried he would stay like that.

"Thank God! I'm going to tell the others. I'll see you for the meeting this evening. Thank you, Regina." Liam says and I nod, watching as he rushes down the corridor in search of the others. I sigh and decide to phone my parents now instead of later on.


"Hey, Ree. Can I come in?" Lacey asks, peeking her head around the door to Harry's office. I nod and continue with my paperwork. I hear the door close and decide to take a break. "There's something you should know." She says and my head shoots up to her.

"Is it Harry!?! Did something happen?!? I told them to come and get me straight away!" I exclaim, springing up from my seat and rushing over to the door. Before I could open it, Lacey grabs my panicked frame.

"Nothing is wrong with Harry, no change. I just wanted to tell you something." She tells me and I sigh in relief, calming myself down and nodding. "Listen... Niall, Liam, Louis, Lainey and Lindsey have been noticing something about you that the doctors and nurses are noticing in Harry." She says and I frown, nodding at her to continue. "Every time you get frustrated, Harry's blood pressure rises and every time you're happy, Harry's health starts to improve." She explains.

"What does that mean?" I ask her and she smiles.

"It means that the very first Angel and the very first Demon joined together only once to destine a Human and a Vampire to each other. Everyone thought that it was a myth... Until you became a Queen without a King." She smiles and I find myself smiling.

Harry and I have been destined to each other for a very long time?


"Hi. I know that I said I'd be back tomorrow, but, Lacey told me something interesting earlier." I start, my hand holding onto Harry's. "She said that we were put together by the very first Angel and Demon and that my every emotion affects you in some way. It's very... Comforting knowing that we've been destined from the start." I say with a smile as I watch Harry's chest rise and fall.

Some colour had returned to his face and it didn't look sunken in anymore. I turn to look at the clock on the wall and sigh when I see the time. "I have to go. The usual daily meeting is about to start. I'll be back tomorrow, I promise." I say, squeezing Harry's hand before letting it go and standing up.


"Thanks for coming, guys. Louis? You're up first." I say and Louis nods.

"I've been training the army group with new methods and they seem to be picking it up rather quickly. Nothing bad to report." He shrugs and I nod, jotting down his findings.

"Liam? You're up." I say and Liam nods.

"Ever since we killed those that attacked the castle last week, nobody is even thinking of attacking us. However, we are worried because while Harry is incompacitated, the Kingdom is vulnerable. But, don't worry, we're keeping our eyes open for any new threats." He explains and I nod, jotting everything down.

"Niall? You're up." I say and Niall nods.

"The Kingdom has been running smoothly and normally for the past week. The citizens-" Niall is cut off by the door bursting open and the three girls running in.

"You're late." I sigh, staring at them.

"He's awake! Harry's awake!" Lacey exclaims and my heart drops as tears fill my eyes.

Harry's awake?

Harry's awake?

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- SI444.

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