Things We Dont Want To Do

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Maya's POV.

In life there are certain things you have do even if you don't want to do them. This is something I would usually try to ignore, but yet I found myself sitting at an airport getting ready to get on a plane taking me to North Carolina.

Two weeks ago my dad called Mr. Matthews asking if I could spend my summer with him. When my dad first called I was upset due to the fact I'm almost 16 and this is the first time he has tried to call me in eight years.

"So Maya have you made your mind up about visiting your dad?" Mr. Matthews asked me at dinner.

"As a matter of fact yes I did," I said eating a piece of cheese pizza.

"You're not going are you?" Riley asked looking over at me.

"You would be correct," I said smiling.

"Maya are you sure," Topanga begins, "this could be a new start for you and your dad."

"Why should I? He is the one who left me and my mom alone just so he could start a family with someone else. He left me, so I think it's reasonable why I don't want to see him," I spat at everyone.

"Maya I think your overreacting about this," Auggie said trying to calm me down.

"Oh Auggie big mistake don't tell girls that they are overreacting is makes them mad," Mr. Matthews interrupted.

"I'm not overreacting. I just don't want to see him ever. Can we stop talking about my dad and finish dinner," I said picking my pizza up.

"Okay," Riley said looking down at her pizza.

"Maya it's just that-" Mr. Matthews began.

I stoop up dropped my pizza on my plate and said almost in a yell, "That's it I'm going to my room."

I run off to the guest room that The Matthews gave me when my mom died. I sit down on the window seat and look at the walls covered in pictures.

Most pictures were of Riley and I others of Farkle and Lucas hanging out with us. Most people would have picture of their families on the wall, but again I wasn't like most people. Every picture I had with my mom or my dads face on it I burned on "that night."

There was a knock at my door and I yelled," Riley please I just need a minute."

"Good thing Riley didn't come to the door she would have given you that minute unlike me," Mr. Matthews says sitting down on my window seat with me.

"I'm sorry for my temper out there it's just I felt trapped," I stated looking out the window.

"What's the real reason why you don't want to see your dad?"

"I already told you. He left me and never came back."

"No, no, no the Real reason."

"If I go and I see him I'm going to want to forgive him."

"What's wrong with that?"

"My whole life I've had him to blame for how messed up my life has been. If I forgive him who do I have to blame everything on then."

"Maya in life there are certain things you have to do that you don't want to do. And forgiving your dad is one of them."

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