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Lucas's POV

Maya and I laid on the couch together watching the Toy Story movies. Her head was resting on my chest.

"Did you know Toy Story is my favorite movie?" I said.

"Really?" Maya said.

"Unless you ask the guys on the hockey team?" I said laughing.

"Of course," Maya laughs.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Yeah," Maya said sitting up.

"What do you want?" I asked getting up.

"Anything that won't hurt my throat," Maya said.

Maya's POV

"Okay just give me a minute," Lucas said getting up.

"Okay," I said.

"I love this drawing that you finished for me," I said yelling a little to much that it hurt my throat.

"Oh I worked on that while you were asleep this morning," Lucas yells.

"I never knew that you could draw."

"Neither did I."

"You should help me draw more often."

"Do you want me to help you sometime?"

"Yeah if you want to."

I went back to watching the movie and waited for Lucas to come back.

"Okay," Lucas said walking into the room, "Here you go chicken noodle soup."

"My favorite soup," I said.

Lucas sat down on the couch with me and handed me the mug full of soup. I leaned over and kissed him on the lips. Once we broke apart I rested my forehead against his.

Lucas smiled, "Now eat your soup."

We both smiled went back to watching the movie and eating our soup. After we finished eating the soup I laid back down against his chest again.

Riley's POV

When I came back from mini golfing Lucas and Maya were on the last Toy Story Movie. I walked into the living room and they were both awake.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," they both said.

"How was mini golfing?" Maya asked.

"Fun but I almost hit Toby in the head with golf club," I laughed.

"Hey guys," Farkle said walking into the living room.

"How were the waves?" Lucas asked.

"Great," Farkle said.

"Did Tess go home?" Riley asked.

"Yeah she was going over to Rose's house," Farkle said, "Anyway I'm going to get a shower."

"Okay," Maya said.

"Be back in a few," Farkle said going upstairs.

I sat down on the floor next to Maya and Lucas and watched the next movie they put on. When Farkle came back down he sat with me and we all watched the movie together.

Maya's dad came back from work a little while later and said he had some new for us.

"Meet me all at the table in five minutes," he said sticking his head into the living room.

Everyone got up and sat at the table.

"What's the new dad?" Maya said.

"Just wait a second for Zoey to come down," Maya's dad said.

"Sorry kids I'm back," Zoey said walking over to Maya's dad.

"Okay so what's the new?" Maya asked.

"Zoey and I are getting remarried," he said.

"Congratulation," everyone said.

"When is this going down," Farkle asked.

"In two days," Zoey said smiling.

Zoey and Maya's dad both continued to tell us about things like how they wanted us all in the wedding. After we finished the details everyone was going to go upstairs.

"Can we sleep down stairs again?" Maya asked Lucas.

"I would love to but my back still hurts from last night," Lucas said.

"Will you carry me upstairs?" Maya laughed.

Lucas picked her picked her up and brought her upstairs. I walked in behind them and Lucas laid Maya on her bed.

"Night guys," Lucas said before walking out the door.

I don't own any of Toy Story movies

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