Pool Day

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Lucas POV

"I don't understand," walking out back to the pool with Farkle.

"Lucas man it's simple. She liked you, but then she moved on," Farkle said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"No I get that," I said putting a towel on my chair.

Farkle gives me a weird look, "Then what don't you get?"

"How do girls get over someone that quick?"

"I don't know I think she meet someone."

"Does that mean Maya could be over me?"


"Oh crap what should I do then?"

"Maybe you could lay little hints on her and then tell her on her birthday."

"Her birthday is three days away."

"Yeah that should give you enough time."

"Your right," I said before diving into the pool.

While I was under I heard two other splashes. The first one was Farkle and the other splash was Maya.

"Glad you could make it," I said when Maya came up out of the water.

"Glad to be here," Maya laughed swimming over to the ladder.

"Where is Riley?" Farkle asked.

"I think waiting for-" Maya said before getting cut off.

"I'm right here," Riley said walking in with Toby.

"Hey," everyone said.

Riley and Toby both jumped into the water near Maya, Farkle, and I. Everyone was just hanging out jumping in and out of the water when Maya had the idea of doing Chicken Fights.

"Maya you and Lucas can be partners and I will be with Toby," Riley said leaving out Farkle.

"Hey what about me?" Farkle yells.

"You can play next round," Riley says getting up on Toby's shoulders.

I went under the water and let Maya climb on my shoulders. When I came back up Farkle was standing in between me and Toby.

"I'm going to be the offical," Farkles says.

"Ready?" I looked up at Maya and asked.

"Ready," she smiled.

"Go," Farkle screamed.

Maya and Riley began trying to push each other over and I held onto her legs. Finally Maya was able to send Riley and Toby backwards into the water and we won.

"Yes," both Maya and I yelled.

I let Maya get down and then everyone just began switching out partners. We did this for a couple hours until Toby had to leave for dinner.

Maya's POV

Later that night around 9 I was out on the balcony watching the waves when I heard someone.

"Hey," Lucas said walking over to where I was, "I brought you something."

"What," I asked.

"This," Lucas said pulling out a container of the hot chocolate we drank earlier.

"Oh my gosh where did you find this?" I asked.

"While you and Riley were still getting showers I asked your dad and he told me the store where he got it. Farkle came with me and we bought that for you," Lucas said smiled.

"Oh my gosh that's so sweet," I said pulling Lucas into a hug.

"Well you know me I'm a sweet guy," Lucas saying hugging back.

I smile and awkwardly let go, "I'm going to head to bed but thanks for this."

I walked off towards my room when I here, "Your welcome."

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