Maya's Sick

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Lucas's POV

I woke up and noticed Maya and I were laying on the couch. Maya was still while I looked for my phone. I turned my phone on and it said 2:30 a.m.

I got up to lay down on the floor so Maya could have the couch.

"No don't get up stay," Maya said wrapping her arms around me.

I kissed her nose and pulled a blanket up over us, "Goodnight."

"Night,"Maya said snuggling back snuggling against me.

Farkle's POV

I walked downstairs the next morning into the living room. Lucas was sitting up and Maya was still laying down.

"Hey man what's up?" I said walking in.

"I'm just trying to finish this drawing for Maya," Lucas said pointing to the paper.

"Did you sleep down here all night?" I asked.

"Yeah," Lucas looked over all Maya who was sleeping.

"Doesn't your back hurt?" I asked.

Lucas was 6'2 and the couch didn't look long enough for him to comfortably sleep on.

"Yeah but I don't care," Lucas said going back to drawing.

"Alright I'm going to get something to eat," I began, "Tess wants to go surfing later want to come?"

"Sure," Lucas said, "Just let me finish this and then get dressed."

"Okay I'm going to get dressed," I said running upstairs.

I got dresses quickly and then came back downstairs. Lucas finished drawing whatever he was working on then ran upstairs to change.

"Are you ready to go?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah Tess is waiting out there," I said getting up.

"Hey guys," Riley said coming into the kitchen.

"Hey can you let Maya know we are going surfing?" Lucas asked Riley.

"Sure have fun," Riley said.

"Thanks," we both said running outside.

Riley POV

I was reading some book when my phone went off. Toby texted me asking if I wanted to go mini golfing. I was getting ready to leave when I noticed Maya still was sleeping.

"Hey Maya," I said walking over to her, "Maya wake up."

"I'm up," Maya said stretching.

"Why are you still in bed?" I asked.

"I don't feel that great," Maya said.

"You probably cough something yesterday from sitting out in the rain all day," I said standing up.

"Yeah," Maya said sitting up.

"Do you want me to get Lucas?" Riley said, "He's out surfing."

"No I'm fine," Maya said.

"Okay I hate to leave you but I'm going out with Toby," I said.

Maya's POV

"It's fine have fun," I said.

"Alright I'll see you when I get back later tonight," Riley said walking off.

I picked up my blanket and saw the drawing that Lucas and I worked on last night. He finished drawing the rest of it for me.

The drawing was so beautiful and it was something we drew together. I laid back down and turned on the tv to some movie.

Lucas and Farkle came back inside around 1:00 to get something to eat.

"Hey," Lucas said coming inside wrapped in a towel.

"Hi," I said sitting up.

"What are you doing in here still?" Lucas said sitting on the ground.

"I don't feel great," I said.

"What's wrong Lucas?" Lucas put his hand on my forehead, "You do feel kinda warm."

"My throat hurts," I said.

"Oh do you want me to stay in here with you," he asked.

"No I don't want to get you sick," I said.

"I've already kiss you so I'll get sick anyway," Lucas said standing up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to get a shower then I'll be back down," he said kissing my cheek before going up stairs.

Lucas showered quickly and came back down stairs and laid down with me.

"Hey man are you coming back out?" Farkle popped his head into the door frame.

"No you have fun," Lucas said.

"Okay see yeah," Farkle said leaving.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked.

"We can watch some Disney movies."


"Yeah," Lucas kissed me and then got up putting in a movie.

"Your the best," I said.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Lucas said laying down with me.

I don't own any Disney Movies.

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