Almost Home

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Riley POV.

"That would be me," a cute tall boy said walking up to my seat, "Hi I'm Toby."

"Hi I'm Riley," I said to him before looking over at Maya who was smiling.

"Hi I'm Maya," Maya said jumping up shaking his hand.

"And I'm Lucas," Lucas said also standing up shaking his hand.

"Hi everyone are you guys like a group of friends or are you just very friendly people," Toby asks.

"Yeah we have been friends with each other for a couple of years now," I answered.

"Cool are you guys here with anyone else?" Toby asked.

"Yeah we are here with our other friend. His name is Farkle, but he is sitting over there with some lady," Maya said pointing over to Farkle and the old women who were talking.

"I think your friend is sitting with my grandma," Toby laughed.

"Your here with your Grandma?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah she's going to visit her sister and she wanted someone to go with her so I said I would," Toby said.

Awww he is so cute to go with his grandma, "Awww that's so sweet."

"Yeah very sweet," Maya said.

The flight attended came by and said, "Everyone please take your seats we would like to take off in a few minutes."

"Okay guys I guess I will talk to you when the plane lands," I said to Lucas and Maya.

"See you in a few," Maya said smiling and waving her hand.

Maya's POV.

"See you in a few," I said smiling and waving at Riley.

I picked up the magazine from the pile sitting in the pouch on the seats and began to read an article

"Are you ready to take off," Lucas asked me.

"As ready as I will ever be," I said taking a deep breath.

The plane began to slowly lift off the ground and my heart began pounding. I began to take deep breaths and tried to clam myself down.

"Maya are you okay," Lucas asked looking over at me.

"Never better," I lied.

"What's wrong is fearless Maya afraid of planes?" Lucas asked

"No not planes just heights," I said feeling like my heart was going to exploded out of my chest.

"Wow I never thought you of all people would be scared of heights."

"Yeah well get used to it."

"Man is there anything else your afraid of."

"If there was I wouldn't tell you anyway," I said looking down at my legs.

"Wow this is great."

"Okay I changed my mind I don't want to visit my dad," I said trying to unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Maya calm down it's going to fine just sit down," Lucas said grabbing my arm pulling me down into my seat.

"I don't think I can go this," I said trying to calm myself down.

Lucas POV.

"I don't think I can do this," Maya said breathing in heavily.

"Okay Maya just breath in deeply," I began as I grabbed her hand and held it, "In and out."

Maya began to breath in and out and I could tell her heart rate began to slow down. Once we finished taking off Maya began to calm down and she sat up right and began to breath normally again

"Thanks for that," Maya said looking over at me.

"How long have you be afraid of heights?" I asked Maya looking at her.

"Ever since "that night" I haven't been able to go anywhere 20 feet off the ground," Maya said letting go of my hand.

"So," I said trying to change the subject.

"I'm going to get some sleep I want to be able to stay awake when I meet my dad," Maya said even though I knew she was lying.

"Alright I will see you soon," I said watching her close her eyes and lay her head down on the seat.

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