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Maya's POV

I woke up the next morning around 6:30 because I could hear someone making a ton of noise in the hallway. When I opened the door I saw Lucas laying on the ground listening to music with his headphones in.

"Lucas," I yelled, "Lucas!"

Lucas didn't respond.

"Lucas!" I yelled pulling his headphones off.

Lucas jumped, "Gosh don't sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry but what's with all the noise?" I asked getting up.

"Oh was I really that loud?" Lucas said standing up.

"Yeah why are you up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep."


"Do you want to go for a walk?" Lucas asked.

"Sure just let me change," I said walking into my room.

"Meet me on the beach," Lucas yelled.

I changed quickly and ran down to the beach. Lucas was standing close to water.

"So how are you?" Lucas asked awkwardly rubbing his neck.

"Oh you know," I said.

"Yeah so this summer is going by quickly," Lucas said, "We have been out for almost three weeks now."

"Yeah we only have a month left here," I said touching the water with my feet.

"Maya I don't want to make things awkward but do you think we could go back to the way things were before Alex and Rose got here," Lucas said.

"Yeah I'd like that," I said smiling.

"Cool," Lucas said.

We both sat down on the beach and watched a couple people run off into the ocean with surfboards.

"I want to go surfing sometime," I said.

"Why don't we go now?" Lucas said standing up.

"Really?" I said getting up.

"Yeah let's go," Lucas started running off towards the house, "Are you coming?"

I took off running towards the house too. Lucas and I ran up into our rooms and changed into swimsuits. When we finished we both down towards the ocean with our boards.

"Ready?" Lucas asked.

"Ready," I said running into the water.

Riley's POV

I woke up around 8:00 to a text from Toby. He wanted to go to the boardwalk with me. When I texted him back I got interrupted by Farkle coming into my room.

"Riley!" Farkle yelled.

"Farkle what is so important?" I yelled.

"Come check this out," Farkle said walking out the door.

I walked out and followed him to the balcony, "What's so important?"

"That!" Farkle yelled pointing to the ocean where Maya and Lucas where sitting on surfboards in the water.

"Oh my gosh," I said, "When did that happen?"

"I don't know when I woke up Lucas wasn't there and I can out here and there they were," Farkle said.

"That didn't take long."

"No it didn't."

Farkle and I watched them surf for awhile until we got hungry. We both went down stairs and eat something. Maya and Lucas didn't come inside until around 12:00 but when they came in they were both laughing.

"That poor guy I don't think he ever found his pants," Lucas laughed.

"I felt so bad," Maya said.

"Hey guys did you have fun?" Farkle asked.

"Yeah they had some killer waves out there today," Lucas said.

"Sounds like fun but do you guys want to come to the boardwalk with us?" I asked.

"Us?" Maya asked.

"Me, Toby, Farkle," I said.

"Sure," Lucas said.

"I'm in," Maya said.

"We are leaving at two so shower up and get dressed," Farkle said.

"Alright I'm going to get in the shower," Maya said.

Lucas's POV

Everyone got dressed and met downstairs right as Toby got to the door. I drove everyone to the boardwalk and this time it wasn't awkward. Riley and Toby went off to some random stores and Farkle went to the arcade.

"So where do you want to go?" Maya asked.

"Umm I don't know is there anywhere you went to go," I asked Maya.

"Would you mind coming going to the one clothing store with me?" Maya asked.

"No I don't mind," I said.

"Let's go," Maya said walking off towards the store I followed behind.

Maya walked into a store that was full of nice fancy dresses. She looked around at all the dress giving little comments about a couple dress and then handing them to me.

"I'm going to try these on," Maya said walking off to a dressing room.

"How long are you going to be?" I asked hanging her the dresses.

"Just sit down and wait," Maya said.

I sat down on a couch and watched Maya come out in tons of dresses that we looked beautiful in. She found one dress that she couldn't take off.

"What do you think?" Maya asked spinning in the mirror.

Maya was wearing a short red dress that looked great with her blonde hair, "You look umm."

"Your speechless," Maya said, "Is that a good thing?"

"Yeah you look incredible," I said standing up.

Maya ended up buying the dress and we hung out the rest of that night on rides. I played a couple games and won Maya some prizes. We drove home and I could tell that everyone had a good time.

Remember to check out invisible_plaid and comment for Mondays shoutout. I will announce tomorrow's in the next chapter.

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