Setting up

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Maya's POV

I sent Farkle and Lucas off to the store to buy tons of roses. I made sure that they got four dozen red ones and a dozen white ones.

"What should we work on outside?" Riley said walking out on the porch.

"Ummm I guess just cleaning up the little things," I said looking around.

"Okay I will sweep the porch and you can fix the table and chairs," Riley said going inside to get a broom.

"Got it," I began fixing the chairs to make them look neater as Riley swept the porch floor.

"What else should we fix out here?" Riley asked once she finished the floor.

"We should hang some Christmas lights," I said.

"Christmas lights?" Riley asked confused.

"Not the red and green ones. The gold ones I have in my room back at home."

"Does your dad have any?"

"I don't know let's check in the basement."

Riley and I walked into the basement which was extremely neat. One side had some of Lily and Zack's toys but the other side had boxes of decorations and other stuff.

"Okay look for a box with Christmas stuff in it," I said beginning to search the boxes.

Farkle's POV

"Yeah were are here to pick up five dozen things of red roses and a dozen white roses," Lucas said to the lady at the counter.

"Okay give me a minute," the lady said running off.

"Dude why did you get five things of red roses?" I asked.

"Isn't that what Maya wanted?" Lucas tried to innocently say.

"No," I answered.




"Oh I see what your doing."

"What am I doing?"

"Those are for Maya aren't they," I grinned.

"Sir your roses are ready," the lady said interrupting.

"Thank you," Lucas said paying her.

"That's one lucky lady you have got," she said.

"Maya's a lucky girl alright," I said coming up behind Lucas.

"Thanks," Lucas said to the lady.

"No problem," she waved.

I smiled.

"Quick your smiling and help me get these out to the car," Lucas said.

Maya's POV

"Easter, Valentines Day, Fourth of July," I said looking at all the boxes.

"Does he not have Christmas lights?" Riley asked.

"If I knew do you think I would be looking for them," I said.

"Hey I found something," Riley said pulling down a box.

"What," I turned around

"This," Riley said, "Maya Hart."

"Should we open it?" I asked.

"I guess," Riley said taking the lid off.

The box was full of pictures of my at different ages like the scrapbook but this time with more pictures. A couple letters where in the box from Mr. Matthews talking about me.

"Hey guys we're back," Lucas yelled.

"The guys are back," Riley said.

"We're down here," I yelled.

"We got the roses," Farkle yelled.

"Don't touch them," Riley yelled standing up.

"Let's put the box back," I said.

"What about the Christmas lights?" Riley said.

"Oh yeah," I said putting the box back, "Lucas can you come down here."

"Yeah," I heard Lucas say before coming down the stairs.

"Can you help us find the Christmas lights?" I said.

"They are right here," Lucas said pointing to a box on the top shelf.

"No wonder we didn't find it," Riley said as Lucas said pulling the box down.

"Thanks," I said.

"Your welcome now let's go hang these up," Lucas said walking up the stairs.

We all went upstairs and hung up the lights while Farkle watched the twins. The lights were almost done when Farkle came out.

"Hey Maya I'm not sure what wrong with Zack can you come here," Farkle said.

"Okay give me a-," I began.

"I got her," Lucas interrupted me going back inside to Zack.

We finished the lights and Lucas still wasn't out here with us.

"I'm going to check on Lucas," I said to Farkle and Maya.

"Okay I'm going to spread the Rose petals and light the candles," Riley said.

"Okay," I walked into the house.

Lucas was standing up rocking a sleeping Zack in his arms. Even though Zack was three he was still pretty small.

"Awww that looks so adorable," I said walking over to him.

Omg thanks everyone for 2k views. I love all of you.

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