Swings and Tears

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Lucas's POV

"Oh really," Maya said blushing.

"Yes really," I smiled.

Maya leaned in then quickly she turned her head. She put peanut butter on my nose and then jumped up.

"Your so dead Hart," I said jumping.

"Not if you can't catch me cowboy," Maya said taking off running.

I took off running, "I'm so going to get you."

"Catch me if you can," Maya said running around tree after tree.

"Oh I can," I said pretending to fall over, "Ow ow wow this really hurts."

Maya turned around and ran back to me, "Lucas are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine," I smiled, "But your it."

I jumped up running Maya staring running after me, "That's not fair."

"Oh well catch me if you can," I said doing what Maya did.

Maya and I ran around the park chasing each other like little kids for a while but then she wanted to swing on the swings. I had to push her though.

"Higher," Maya laughed.

"This is as high as I can go," I said.


"When do you get to push me?"


"That's not very fair."

"Oh well."

"I need to be more careful about what I say around you."

"I pay attention remember," Maya joked.

I stopped pushing her and sat down on the swing next to her, "I remember."

"The police called me yesterday," Maya blurts out.

"About?" I asked even though I knew it was about her mom.

"They still don't know who hit my mom but they said it was probably an accident," Maya said.

"That sucks," I said twist my swing around.

"Yeah she never gets to watch me graduate or get married. She won't be there to watch me grow up. She's really gone," Maya said letting a few tears escape.

I got off my swing and kneeled down beside her swing, "Hey it's okay."

"She was the person I'd know my whole life who didn't walk out on me and I just had her ripped away," Maya cried hugging me.

"It's going to be okay," I said rubbing her back.

Maya and I walked back over towards the tree and sat down. I let Maya continue to cry into my arms. She calmed down after a while and fell asleep in my arms. We stayed like this for a while but then I knew I had to get us home. I lifted her up bridal style and carried her back to the car. The whole drive home she slept and even when I pulled into the driveway she was still out. I carried her inside up to her room and laid her down on her bed.

Riley's POV

I was sitting down on the beach with Toby when Lucas walked down.

"Hey guys," he said sitting down.

"Hi," Toby said.

"How was the driving lesson?" I asked.

"Well she drove for a while then we stopped and ate lunch," Lucas said.

"Sounds fun," Toby said.

"Yeah until she starting talking about her mom," Lucas said.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"The police called her yesterday they still don't know who did it," Lucas said.

"Poor Maya," I felt so bad for her.

"Yeah she cried in my arms for a while but then she fell asleep," Lucas added, "She still sleeping now."

"Should we wake her up?" I asked.

"No she probably has slept that well since her mom died we should let her rest," Lucas said standing back up.

"Okay see ya," I said as Lucas walked off.

"Bye guys," Lucas said walking back towards the house.

"Oh Riley guess what," Toby said.

"What?" I smiled.

"I know where I moving to," Toby smiled.

"Oh my gosh where?"

"New York."

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