Forgotten Memories

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Maya's POV

When I woke up it was dark outside and I could see someone a sleeping in the bed across the room. It was Riley fast sleep in her bed. I tried to fall back asleep but couldn't so I decided to to for a swim in the pool. I walked down the stairs and jumped into the pool.

The water was cold against my skin but it felt good. This was the first time I had been the pool by myself all summer. I Floated for a while then I swam a few laps. It was getting lighter outside when I finished my laps and saw Farkle standing by the door.

"Maya what are you doing?" Farkle asked walking up to me.

"I couldn't fall back to sleep," I said swimming to the steps.

"You do know it's five in the morning?"

"Oh it's later than I thought."

"Yeah I'm almost six exactly."

"How long was I sleep?"

"Well Lucas brought you home around 7ish and you sleep until now I guess."

I don't remember going out yesterday let alone with Lucas.

"Where did Lucas and I go?"

"You don't remember."


"You don't remember going for a driving lesson and then telling Lucas about your mom."


"You starting crying about something and then you fell asleep."

"I don't remember any of that."

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"Getting that dress at the boardwalk and then coming home that night."

"You can't remember a whole day?"

"I guess not."

"I mean you did cry for a while maybe your brain is just trying to block out the memory."

"Farkle just don't say anything to Lucas."

"Okay but he couldn't stop talking about how much fun you guys had."

I wrapped a towel around me, "Yeah if only I knew what happened."

"It will come to you," Farkle said.

"Yeah I guess I'm going to take a shower," I walked back inside.

I got a shower and went back to bed after that. Everyone was still sleeping when I finished the shower.

Riley's POV

When I woke up the next day Maya was still sleeping so I decided to wake her up.

"Maya," I poked her, "Maya."

Nothing she didn't even move.

"Maya!" I yelled.

Maya jumped, "What!"

"It's time to get up," I said sweetly.

"Yeah thanks for the wake up call," Maya rolled over off her bed standing up stretching.

"No problem now let's go get something to eat," I said walking down stairs.

We both walked down stairs where everyone was eating or talking but Zoey.

"Hey dad," Maya said getting a bowl of cereal.

"Morning did you sleep fine?" he asked as I sat down next to Farkle and Lucas

"Yeah," Maya sat down next to me and her dad.

"That's good what about you Riley?" he asked looking up at me.

"Good," was all I said.

"Great now I need you guys to help me out tonight," Maya's dad said.

"With what?" Farkle said eating his cereal.

"Tonight I'm taking Zoey out for our anniversary and I need you guys to set up a few things," he answered.

"Alright but what needs setup?" Lucas asked.

"I need you guys to spread candles around the deck outside and Rose petals around," he said, "Oh and I need you guys to watch the twins."

"Okay," everyone said.

"Thanks," he said getting up.

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