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Lucas's POV

The wedding was sweet and short. Zoey and Maya's dad looked so in love it was perfect. Everyone looked so happy. Maya and I were sitting down by the pool.

"Tonight was perfect," I said looking over at Maya.

"I'm glad my dad gets his happy ending," Maya smiled looking over at her dad.

"Did you ever think you would be here?" I asked.

"Think I would be where?" Maya asked.

"Here like in North Carolina with your dad on his wedding day or here with me," I said.

"Never in a million years did I think I would be with you," Maya joked hitting my arm.

"Hahahaha very funny but not as funny as me pushing you into the pool," I pretended like I was going to push her into the pool.

"Lucas no don't you dare," Maya jumped up and began to ran away.

"Get back here," I yelled running after her.

Maya ran down towards the beach, "Never."

I run catching up to her easily and threw her over my shoulders, "Gotta ya."

Maya laughed, "Put me down."

I lifted Maya up in the air and she leaned down and kissed me. I slowly placed Maya back down in the sand and kissed her again.

Riley's POV

Toby and I were dancing with everyone else when Maya and Lucas came running by us.

"What's that about?" Toby laughed.

"I don't know," I smiled.

I looked down towards the beach where Maya and Lucas were kissing each other.

"Oh now I see," Toby said going back to dancing with me.

A couple minutes later Maya and Lucas both came back and started dancing. Farkle and Tess were also dancing together having a good time.

Lucas's POV

"Your a great dancer," I said looking at Maya.

"Are you having fun?" Maya asked.

"I'm here with the prettiest girl so of course having fun," I said kissing her.

Maya and I danced with each other song after song like the night we first kissed. Everything was perfect. After Maya's parents cut the cake a little while later so I went and got us each a piece.

"Here you go," I said handing her a piece of cake.

"Thank you," Maya said as I sat down with her.

I picked up my fork and put some cake on it, "Let me feed you."

Maya opened her mouth and I placed the cake in her mouth.

"Here let me feed you now," Maya said putting cake on her fork and then giving to me.

I put more cake on my fork and smashed it against her face.

"Lucas," Maya yelled.

"That's my name don't wear it out," I said.

Maya picked up cake and I let her smash it against my face as well.

"Better now?" I asked Maya.

"No not until you feed me," Maya said.

I put cake on my fork and actually gave it to her. She did the same with me. We finished our cake and sat there looking out at the water.

"Do you want to dance?" I asked Maya.

"Yes," Maya said taking my arm.

We walked over to where everyone else was dancing. Maya wrapped her arms around my neck and placed my hands around her waist.

"This is perfect," Maya said looking at me.

"Your perfect," I said Maya.

Maya blushed and looked down at the ground, "No your perfect."

"Maya I have to tell you something," I said.

"Okay go for it," Maya said.

This was the moment I looked into her blue eyes and said, "I..I love you."

Maya smiled leaned in and kissed me, "I love you too."

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