Wrong place Wrong Time

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Lucas's POV

Right as Maya ran up the stairs the phone rang. I answered it and heard A familiar voice, "Hey it's this Lucas?"

"Yeah is this Rose?" I knew it was here.

"Hey Lucas do you want to go see a movie?" Rose asked.

"I don't know it's a bad time," I said.

"Please my dads making me go and Tess can't go," Rose begged.

"What time?" I sighed.

"Yay okay I'll come over in 20 minutes," Rose said hanging up.

I didn't notice that Alex was still standing there.

"Look man I didn't plan for this happen," I said waking to him.

"Well either did I," Alex said walking off.

Maya's POV

"Maya are you okay?" Riley asked coming into our room.

"No," I said from the window seat.

"Oh Maya it's okay," Riley said walking over to me.

"Riley I know who I want to be with."



"What are you doing to do about Alex?"

"I guess break up with him."

"When are you going to do this?"

"Before he leaves."

"That's going to be interesting."


"Do you want me here with you?"

"No I need to do this alone."

I heard a knock at our door it was Alex, "Hey can I say something to Maya quickly."

"Yeah I'll give you a minute," Riley said getting up.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," Alex said sitting down next to me.

"It's okay," I said looking at him.

"I just needed to say this," Alex began, "Maya I really like but if you want to be with Lucas I don't want to stop you."

"Alex I don't know yet I still need some more time," I said.

"Okay let me know," Alex said standing up kissing my check and walking out the door.

I looked down at my notepad and heard the bathroom door busted open, "What do you mean you need more time?"

"Spy much," I laughed.

"So are you not sure now," Riley asked.

"I don't know I think I still want to be with Lucas but Alex is so sweet."

"I guess you have some more thinking to do," Riley said standing up hugging me and then walking up the door.

I sat there on the window seat for about five more minutes until Lucas walked in.

"Hey Maya are you okay?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Can I say something?" Lucas said sitting down.

"Sure," I said.

"I made a huge mistake that night by not kissing you. I should have never told you to move on. Maya I staring liking you two days after that and I wanted to tell you but I couldn't," Lucas said.

"Why didn't you?" I asked.

"I thought you had moved on but I guess you hadn't completely," Lucas said.

"Yeah," I said looking out the window.

"One other thing. I want you to pick me but I understand if you pick Alex," Lucas said standing up.

I had to tell him it was him, "Lucas wait I-"

"Hey are you ready to go?" someone said coming in my room.

"Rose?" I said.

"Oh Hi Maya," Rose said, "Lucas are you ready to go to the movie?"

"Umm just a second," Lucas said turning towards me, "What were you saying?"

"Oh never mind," I said sitting back down, "Have fun at your movie."

"Oh," was all Lucas could say.

"So Lucas do you like scary or funny movies," I heard Rose say as the walked out my door.

I guess he made his choice.

I felt like crying but I didn't I sat in my room for an hour and half. The only reason I can down was to get some food. Alex was sitting down at the table eating pizza.

"Hey can I talk to you?" I said.

"Sure," Alex said getting up leading me to the back porch.

"Alex," I said.

"Maya I think I know where this is going," Alex said.

"Alex your a great guy who anyone would love to spent time with but your just not the right guy for me," I said finally getting or off my chest.

"Yeah I think I know who is," Alex said.

"Your a great guy," I said.

"I'm going to miss you," Alex said.

"I'm going to miss you too," I said pulling him into a hug.

Lucas's POV

I was walked up to the house with Rose when I noticed the front door was locked so we walked around back.

"I'm going to miss you too," Maya said hugging Alex.

I guess she made her choice.

Maya's POV

"Hey guys," Rose said when they made it up to the stairs.

"How was the movie?" Alex asked.

"Great," Rose said looking down at her watch, "Oh I'd better get going."

"Night," Lucas said.

"Night," Rose said kissing Lucas on the check.

Yeah I guess he made his choice he picked her.

"We better get some sleep your plane takes off pretty early," I said.

"Yeah are you guys coming to the airport to drop me off?" Alex asked.

"Yeah," Lucas and I both said.

We all walked inside Alex went over to the couch and Lucas and I walked upstairs to our rooms. I felt like crying again but I was to tired.

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