Meet the Neighbors

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Riley's POV

Maya and I walked down into the family room where Maya's dad wanted us to meet.

"Where are Farkle and Lucas?" I Look over at Maya who's staring at her phone.

"Ummm," Maya says still looking at her phone.

"Maya!" I yelled at her.

Maya still didn't look up from her phone.

"Maya!" I yelled at her.

"What!" she yells back at me like I'm crazy.

"Where are Farkle and Lucas?"

"I don't know. I told them to meet us down here in five minutes."

"Can you text one of them telling them to come down stair then?"

"Can you text one of them?"

"What are you doing that's so important?" I asked taking Maya's phone.

"Would you give me my phone back," Maya yells.

I look down a Maya's phone, "Who's Alex."

"Alex who?" Maya says grabbing her phone back.

"Alex the one you have been texting all day long."

"He's just a boy."

"Wait is this Alex Brown the kid that moved to our school a month before summer vacation?"


"How long have you been talking to him?"

"A week before school let out."

"What are you guys like dating."

"Riley I haven't seen him seen him since the last day of school."

"Why haven't you seen him since then?" I asked as I looked at the steps where Farkle and Lucas were coming down.

"Well maybe because we left a week after school let out," Maya says.

"Farkle Lucas are you guys ready to go?" Maya's dad yells from the kitchen.

"Yes sir," Lucas says.

"Alright everyone let's go," Zoey says walking to the front door with Zack in her arms and Lily in Maya's dads arms.

Maya's POV

Everyone walked out the door and followed my dad to our neighbours house. They had a house that was also on the beach, but unlike our house they didn't have a pool or a hot tub.

My dad kept walking until he stopped at a man who looked to be my fathers age and have him a side hug.

"Mark man how have you been?" my dad says to him.

"Everything is going great," Mark looks over at me, "This must be Maya."

"Hi," I said, "These are my friends Riley, Farkle, and Lucas."

"Hi everyone. I'm Mark my nephew is around here somewhere he is about your age," Mark explains to us.

"Why don't you guys run off and try to find him? " my dad said pointing off towards the back deck.

I began to walk off towards the back deck with Riley when someone started to call out Riley's name.

"Riley is that you," I turn around to see the boy from the airplane standing in front of us.

"Toby what are you doing here?" Riley asks looking confused.

"Maya and Riley I see you have found my nephew Toby," Mark said coming up behind me putting his arm around Toby.

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