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Farkle's POV

"This is my wife Zoey and our twins Zack and Lily," Maya's dad said to everyone.

"Twins wow," Maya managed to get out.

"Hi Maya your father has not stopped talking about you these last couple of days. It's so nice to finally meet you," Zoey said walking towards Maya to Shake her hand.

"Hi," Maya said slowly grabbing Zoey's hand.

"Did you father tell you about Zack and Lily on the car ride over here," Zoey asked Maya.

"No my mom," Maya began, "my mom she told me."

"Oh how is your mom?" Zoey asked.

"She...," Maya tried to get out.

"She died," Riley said for Maya.

"Oh sweetie I'm so sorry,'" Zoey said rubbing Maya's shoulders.

"Thanks," Maya sadly said.

"So what are your friends names?" Zoey Questioned.

"I'm Riley. Maya has been staying with my family for a couple of months now," Riley said,

"Hi Lucas," Lucas said walking up to shake Zoey's hand.

"And I'm Farkle," I said smiling.

"Honey why don't you let the kids gets settled into there rooms before we go over to Mark's house," Maya's dad said interrupting.

"Who is Mark?" Lucas asked.

"Mark is a good friend of mine they are having a party to welcome home some of their family," Maya father tells us.

"Andy why don't you show everyone to their rooms while I feed Zack and Lily," Zoey said walking over to the twins.

"Alright everyone follow me," Maya's dad said walking out of the room towards the stairs.

Everyone followed Maya's dad up the stairs to the until he stopped at two rooms.

"Maya you and Riley will be sharing this room together and Farkle you and Lucas will be sharing this room," Maya's father told us.

Riley POV

After Maya's dad have us our room everyone decided to unpack and relax for a while.

"So how are you feeling?" I asked Maya.

"Fine I guess," Maya response with.

"Really it's okay to feel upset about everything," I said to Maya.

"I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to feel, but it feels good to know where my dad was all this time," Maya gives me a reasonable answer.

"Is this all to much for you?"

"I think it would be to much for anyone."

"Your probably right."

"Yeah should we unpack."

"Yeah I guess we should."

Lucas POV

"Do you think Maya is going to be okay with everything?" Farkle asks me.

"I don't know," I began, "I mean she used to hate me but now we are friends. I think anything could happen."

"Yeah I think after a couple of days Maya will be begging to stay here," Farkle says.

"You think," I said sitting up on my bed.

"Think what?"

"Do you think she will want to stay here?"

"Maybe if she gets close with her dad."

"I don't think that she will. Why would she want to leave her friends?"

"Lucas here family is out here."

"Yeah but we are back home."

"To Maya this might be home."

"New York will always be her home."

"Why do you care if she stay," Farkle says, "It's not like you like her."

"Wow who said anything about liking Maya," I said looking at Farkle.

"Oh my gosh," Farkle jumped up, "You like Maya."

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