That Night Part One

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Lucas POV

"That night," I said for the first time to someone besides Maya.

"Which night?" Farkle asks sounding as confused I thought he would sound when I told him.

"The night Maya broke her growth plate," I struggled to get the words out.

"The night that Maya keeps yelling everyone she can't remember."



I was walking with my friend Alex to class when I saw Maya and Riley sitting on a bench.

"Hey man I'll catch up with you later," I said walking over towards Maya and Riley.

"Alright man see ya," Alex said walking off.

"Hey guys what's up?" I said looking over at them I noticed Maya's eyes were red a puffy.

"Go away," Maya says bursting out crying.

"What did I say?" I asked Maya.

"Lucas it's not about what you said it's way more serious," Riley says hugging a crying Maya.

"Guys come on what's wrong?" I asked.

"Lucas please I'm handling this," Riley says trying to calm Maya down.

"I might be able to help if you tell me what's going on," I said struggling to get answers from them.

"It's personal Lucas," Riley says as if she was begging me to stop asking.

"Then why do you get to know?" I said and then immediately regretted it.

Maya jumped up of the bench still crying and yelled, "My mom died. Are you happy now that I told you?"

Maya ran off and Riley tried to stop her when Mr. Matthews called her, "Riley I need to see you."

"Dad Maya just-" Riley began.

"Now," Mr. Matthews said shutting his door.

"I got her let me go find her you just with your dad," I said running off in the same direction as Maya.

End of Flashback

"Did you find Maya?" Farkle asked me.

"I looked everywhere for her," I said getting up and going over to the window.

"Where exactly is everywhere?" Farkle asks me.

"Riley's house, the subway, her favorite pizza place, and then back at the school," I said looking out the window.

"When did you find her?"

"Around 9 that night."


"Riley I've looked for her everywhere. I already checked the subway," I said to Riley on my phone.

"Maybe she ran off and decided to go somewhere on the subway. I'm going to check it again," Riley explained to me.

"Do you want me to come with?" I asked Riley.

"No you go check her apartment I'll get Farkle to come with me. Good luck and call me when you find her," Riley said hanging up.

I ran off to Maya's apartment and banged on the door. There was no answer. I ran off to the fire escape and climbed threw Maya's window.

"Maya!" I yelled, "Maya!"

Maya's room was painted a dark blue and had a white blanket throw off the bed onto the ground. Her stuff looked neatly placed on her drawers except for the pictures threw all over the ground. I picked up one of the pictures it was off the four of at our school dance. I looked around all the pictures they were of her friends none of her family.

I ran up into the roof of her apartment.

"Maya!" I yelled running over to her where she was standing 20 feet away from the ledge.

Maya turned around towards me, "What are you doing here?"

"Trying to find you," I said touching her shoulder.

"Why?" Maya says looking at me still with her puffy eyes.

"Maya your my friend I would circle the world to find you," I said pulling her into a hug. She only came up to my chest in the hug because she was so short.

"You would?" Maya said.

"Of course," I said rubbing my hands threw Maya's hair.

Maya pulled out of the hug and grabbed my hand as she pulled me over towards the ledge.

"What happened to your mom?" I asked as Maya jumped up sitting on the ledge making her the same height as me.

"She...she...she died in a car crash," Maya barely manages to get out.

"Do they know who else was involved in the crash?" I asked.

"The cops won't tell me anything," Maya said.

I leaned against the ledge wall, "I'm so sorry."

"It's like I have nobody," Maya said.

"That's not true," I said looking at Maya, "You will always have me."

"Really?" Maya asked looking at me with her big blue eyes.

"Really," I said to Maya.

End of Flashback

"What happened after that?" Farkle questions me.

"She tried to kiss me," I said.

"What oh my gosh," Farkle said jumping up, "Wait what do you mean tried to kiss you."

"I didn't let her," I said.

"Dude but you like her," Farkle says like I'm crazy.

"I didn't like her then," I blurred out, "I was dating Saddie at the time I couldn't just kiss Maya."

"What did Maya say when you pulled away?" Farkle asks.

"She was confused and then she told me that she liked me," I said.

"Dude Maya liked you why am I just hearing about this," Farkle says pacing around the room.

"After I told Maya I didn't like her it started to rain and she ran towards the steps and slipped."

"Is that how she broke her growth plate?"


Thanks for over 125 views everyone

I know I haven't answered everything about that night. If you That Night Part 2 leave me a comment. Also just so you know not everything is what it seems. And thanks everyone who has read my story and voted for it.

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