Coke or Pepsi

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Farkle POV.

I'm half way done with my book when I hear Riley laughing very loudly. Just my luck Riley and Maya both are sitting next to guys who can put there moves on them. Of course I got stuck next to an old lady who fell asleep on my shoulders within minutes of taking off.

Maya's POV

After I told Lucas that I was going to sleep I tried to pretend that I was sleeping. I wasn't in the mode to have a conversation about my dad with Lucas. Sure Lucas was a friend but I would much rather talk to Riley about something like this. I mean no one really knows how I feel, but at least Riley would understand why I'm upset.

Everything was quite in the plane, but a few people talking in a little bit above a whisper.

"Your not alone," I heard Lucas say.

I opened my eyes and he was looking out the window, "What do you mean?"

"Just because I'm not in the same situation as you are doesn't mean that I don't understand," Lucas said turning his head to face me.

"Actually I think that means you don't understand what I'm going through," I said in snappy tone.

"Why can't you see that your not alone," Lucas sounded mad.

"Who do I have besides Riley and her family?" I asked.

"You really can't see that Farkle cares about you and that I care about you."

Those words just came right out like it wasn't hard to say at all. I turn my head to look him straight in the eyes, "You care about me. So fighting with a girl everyday of there life and never asking if they were okay is caring about someone."

"You know what just forget what I said," Lucas said getting up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To the bathroom not like you care," Lucas said walking off to the bathroom.

Riley's POV.

I heard Maya and Lucas fighting and it was normal to me I was used to them fighting anywhere we went. Lucas got up and walked towards the bathroom. I wanted to walk up to Lucas and make sure he was okay but Toby keep trying to keep a conversation with me.

"So how old are you," Toby asked me.

"15 my birthday is in three months," I responded.

"Cool I'm 16 my birthday was back in January," Toby smiled.

"What grade are you going into," I asked Toby deciding to keep the conversation going.

"I'm going into 11th grade. What about you?"

"11th grade."

We kept asking each other little questions like that until I saw Lucas walk by. I told Toby I didn't want to talk anymore and that I just wanted to read my book.

Toby was quite until the flight attended came by and asked, "Hello can I started you off with something to drink. Would you like Coke or Pepsi?"

"Coke," Toby and I said at the same time.

Lucas POV.

Maya tried to talk to me when I got back from the bathroom. I wasn't mad at her for thinking I wasn't there for her, but because of the fact that she basically said Farkle and I don't care about her.

How does she know how I feel. She didn't. I cared about her a lot that's why I was on this plane taking me to North Carolina. We were all on this plane for her to help her with her dad and she just ignored that fact.

"Look Lucas I didn't mean to upset you," Maya tried to start a conversation with me.

"No, no, no I get I'm not here for you so you don't have to pretend to be here for me," I said looking down at the ground.

"Lucas just let me explain," Maya said touching my shoulder.

"Don't brother," I said picking my head up and looking out the window.

"Lucas please just-" Maya began but got interrupted.

"Hello can I started you off with something to drink. Would you like Coke or Pepsi?" The flight attended asked.

"Coke," I said.

"Pepsi," Maya said.

The rest of the flight was quite and Maya didn't try to talk to me at all. When the planed landed I helped Maya get her bag down from the cabinet and walked behind her out to the airport. We didn't say anything to each other as walked over to Farkle and Riley. I kept looking over at Maya she never looked up at me. Not once, but I knew one person was Riley.

Btw don't own Coke or Pepsi

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