Airport Madness

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Maya's POV.

"Riley where is Lucas our plane takes off in 30 minutes?" I asked looking up from my magazine I was reading.

"I'm right here," Lucas called out walking over to where Farkle, Riley, and I were sitting.

"It's about time cowboy. Where were you?," I asked with a slight tone.

"Four years later and you still won't break me," Lucas grinned, "Sorry I oversleep and I still had a few things to pack."

"Someday I will break you," I said in a tone.

"Haven't you heard of an alarm clock?" Farkle says as Lucas sits in the seat next to him.

As soon as Lucas sat down I looked over at Riley to see if she was starring. As usual she is watching every word he says to us and even when he isn't talking she's still starring.

"I usual use my phone, but it was dead so I couldn't set an alarm," Lucas said keeping his cool.

"Why didn't your parents wake you up?" Riley asks.

"My parents went out of town don't you remember? That's why I was allowed to come with you guys this summer," Lucas responded.

I told Mr. Matthews I would go out to North Carolina if I was allowed to bring along my friends. My dad must have been shocked at the fact I was even going to come because he let me bring Riley, Farkle, and even Lucas.

Farkle's parents were easy to convince about coming with us. My guess is they were happy to have him out of the house. Lucas' parents were going away for there summer to Paris and they needed a place to leave him at while they were gone. When we asked if he could come they were more than happy to say yes.

We waited to ask Riley's parents until last. At first they both said no but after I explained to them I needed a friends with me and Riley explained she would keep me out of the trouble I was most likely going to get into they said yes.

"Everyone boarding flight 278543 to North Carolina please arrive at gate 6 now," a flight attended yells over the loud speaker.

Farkle stands up and holds out an arm for me and Riley, "Shall we?"

I roll my eyes and so does Riley as we grab his arm and say, "We shall."

I didn't have to turn around to tell that Lucas was grinning. He always grinned when Farkle tried to play his moves on us.

"Now which one of you lucky ladies is going to sit next to me," Farkle says walking to gate 6.

"Farkle the plane as assigned seats," Lucas says coming up behind me and Farkle.

"Well I feel lucky for which lady gets to sit next to you," Riley jokingly says.

When we arrive at gate 6 the lady checks our tickets and then let's us board the plane. I went ahead of everyone else so I could find my seat. The plane had three rows of two seats long and I was on the right side of the plane outside seat.

I was trying to reach the overhead cabinet to put my carry on away when I heard someone say, "Need some help."

"Yeah thanks. Times like this I wish that I was taller," I said turning around to face Lucas.

"Maya," Lucas said with a confused look on his face.

"That would me cowboy," I said looking up at him and then turning around trying to put my bag once more in the cabinet above.

"Here let me help you," Lucas said trying to take the bag from me.

"No I got this," I said trying once more, but this time my bag hit me on the side of my head and I fell over.

"Oh wow are you okay?" Lucas asks picking my bag up and then helping me stand up.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just my head hurts a little," I said sitting in my seat.

"Is this where it hit your head?"

"Owww yes!"

"I think you need some ice."

"No I'm fine."

"The last time you said you were fine you got hit with a bag. Trust me you need ice," Lucas said walking off to find a flight attended.

"Maya are you okay?" Riley asks sitting down in the seats in front of me.

"Yeah I just hit my head with my bag no biggie," I told her waiting for someone to sit next to her.

"Ouch I hope that doesn't leave a bruise," Riley said moving her head around as if she was looking for someone, "I wonder where Lucas is sitting?"

"Wonder where who is sitting?" Lucas says walking up with a bag full of ice.

"I Wonder where Farkle is sitting," I said saving Riley.

"Oh I think he is just across the plane. I saw him sitting next to some old lady," Lucas laughs.

Riley laughs, "Lucas are you sitting next to me?"

Lucas hands me the ice and sits down in the window seat next to me, "No actually I'm sitting next to this one."

"Plane ride with Maya for 4 hours good luck," Riley said, "If you aren't sitting with me then who is sitting next to me?"

"That would be me," a boy almost as tall as Lucas says walking over to Riley where Riley is standing.

Btw I don't own Girl Meets World or any of the Characters in the story

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