Alex's Last Day

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Riley's POV

The next morning I woke up Maya wasn't in her bed. I checked the guys room and Farkle and Lucas weren't either. I looked at my phone it was only 9 everyone usually wasn't out of bed until 9:30 so I walked down stairs to everyone in swimsuits.

"Hey there she is," Maya's dad said.

"Yeah here I am," I said pulling a bottle of juice out of the fridge.

"Are you coming surfing with us?" Toby asked.

"Who's all going?" I asked.

"Lucas, Toby, Farkle, Alex," Maya said over from the couch.

"Your not going?" I asked.

"No my head is killing me," Maya said standing up, "I'm going to lay back down up stairs."

"Sure," I said as Maya walked up stairs, "Just let me go change."

"Alright just don't take to long," Lucas said.

I walked up stairs into our room where Maya was sitting on the window seat drawing.

"I thought your head hurt," I said pulling out a swimsuits.

"Alex asked me out," Maya said.

"What?" I practically yelled.

"In front of everyone," Maya said.

"Everyone even your dad," I said.

"No not him or Zoey but everyone else."

"What did you say?"

"I said yes."

"What about Lucas?"

"Lucas doesn't like me and Alex does."

"Maya but-" I was going to tell her Lucas did like her.

"Riley I appreciate your concern but I've made up my mind," Maya said.

"Okay well then I'm going to change," I said walking into the bathroom.

Lucas POV

I probably should have stayed home from surfing but I'm not sure what Alex would have thought. Alex keep trying to make conversation with me but I really didn't want to talk with him. It wasn't supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be me and Maya not Alex and Maya.

"Dude I'm sorry," Farkle said swimming over towards me.

"I don't want to talk about it," I said paddling away.

I saw this giant wave forming and I decided to take it. Riley tried to ride it but fell off into the water. The wave got so big and I remember falling off into the water. My leg hit something sharp and could feel the pain so I swam up to the surface.

"Lucas!" Riley yelled.

"I cut my leg I'm going check it," I said swimming off towards the house.

When I got up to the sand I looked down at my leg. I saw blood coming out.

"I will be right back guys," I said walking up to the house.

Maya's POV

I was drawing a picture on my notepad down stairs when I heard the screen door slide open. Lucas walked in and over towards the sink. I looked down at his leg.

"What happened?" I yelled.

"It's nothing I just cut myself on a rock," Lucas said getting a paper towel.

"That's not nothing," I said walking over to Lucas and pushing him over to a chair so he could sit down, "Stay here I'm going to get something."

"Maya I feel fin- ow ow," Lucas said in pain.

I walked into the bathroom and pulled out a first aid kit. I walked back out to Lucas who was holding a paper towel over his cut.

"This might sting," I said dabbing his leg with something to help the pain.

"Ow," Lucas said.

"Hold on," I said.

"How did you get so good at this?" Lucas asked.

"I learned a few things at the hospital," I said, "Keep pressure on your leg."

"Where are you going?" Lucas asked.

"I'm going to get you some ice," I said walking off towards the fridge to grab some ice.

I walked back into the room and pulled a chair next to Lucas. I was looking right into his eyes.

"Maya," Lucas said.

Lucas POV

"Maya," I said looking into her eyes.

We both leaned in like last night. Only inches apart when the when the siding door opened.

"Lucas," I heard Alex yell.

Maya leaned away and got up.

"Yeah I'll be back in a minute," I said getting up.

"Maya," I said walking towards her.

"I..I have to clean this up you should go back out there," Maya said getting up walking away.

I walked outside and punched the ground. I sat there until everyone walked back up the beach.

"Hey man what are you doing out here?" Alex said sitting down next to me.

"I almost kissed Maya," I said.

"You what," Alex said standing up.

"Look man it didn't happen," I said standing up.

Alex ran up the stairs into the house I followed him.

"Maya did you almost kiss Lucas," Alex said in front of everyone except for her dad and Zoey.

"What?" Maya said looking at me.

"Did you almost kiss Lucas?" Alex repeated.

"We almost did, but we didn't," Maya said standing up.

"Do you like Lucas?" Alex asked.

"I don't know," Maya said.

"Pick between us," Alex said.

"What?" Maya and I both yelled.

"Pick between us," Alex said.

"Alex I can't just pick," Maya said.

"Why not?" Alex said.

"Because I don't know," Maya said running up stairs.

"What just happened?" Toby asked.

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