Under the lights

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Lucas POV

"He's such a cutie," l said rocking Zack back and fourth.

"Awww how long has he been sleeping?" Maya asked.

"As soon as I picked him up and rocked him around he fell asleep," I said.

"Your really good with little kids," Maya said smiling.

"I don't know I think your pretty good with kids too," I said.

"What do you mean?" Maya asked.

"I've seen how you hold both Zack and Lily they love you. They always want to play with you and hug you when you walk into a room," I said.

"I guess so," Maya walked up to Zack and kissed him on the forehead.

"I'm going to take him upstairs can you carry Lily," I said walking out of the room.

"Yeah I'll meet you upstairs," Maya said.

I walked into the twins room and carefully put Zack into his bed. Maya walked in a few moments later and did the same with Lily. We walked over towards the door and Maya said goodnight to them.

"Let's go check on Farkle and Riley," Maya said walking down stairs.

The outside looked like something straight out of a movie with the Rose petals and lights everywhere.

"Hey can you guys light the rest of these candles Toby and I have a date to get to," Riley said.

"Yeah you crazy kids have fun," Maya said, "Good luck."

"Thanks," Riley said walking away.

"I don't want to ditch you guys either but Tess invited me over to watch a movie so I'll see you later," Farkle said.

"Bye," Maya and I both said.

"Let's finish lighting the candles," Maya said picking up a lighter.

"Okay," I said picking up the other lighter and began lightning them.

Once we finished lighting all the candles Maya made sure that every Rose petals where spread out evenly.

"Hey is there a radio out here?" I asked Maya.

"Yeah over by the grill down there," Maya said pointing over near the grill.

I turned on the radio to some romantic station and walked inside to grab Maya her flowers. When I walked out Maya was facing the ocean so I walked behind her a placed my hands over her eyes.

"Guess who?" I said.

Maya laughed, "Billy Joe."


"Max Smith."


"Sam Blue."


"Wait no is it Kyle Wright?"

"No it Lucas," I said taking my hands off her eyes spinning her around.

"Oh dang I was really looking forward to Kyle," Maya joked.

"Well would Kyle get you Rose's," I said handing her the flowers.

Maya smiles, "What are these for?"

"This is my way of saying I'm sorry," I said looking into her eyes.

Maya's POV

"This is my way of saying I'm sorry," Lucas said looking into my eyes.

"Awww Lucas," I said hugging him.

Everything came back in that second from yesterday. I remembered how we almost kiss and how he let me cry into his arms.

The radio came back on with my favorite song.

"Care to dance?" Lucas said holding out his hand.

I smiled put down the flowers and placed my hand his his, "Sure."

I wrapped my arms around Lucas's neck and he placed his hands on my waist. We both smiled and danced to the music that played.

Lucas dipped me and when I came back up we were looking straight into each other's eyes. He lifted me back up and I smiled.

"I've done some pretty crazy things these last few days," Lucas smiled, "But I'd be crazy if I didn't try to kiss you."

I leaned in and kissed Lucas. He's lips felt soft and gentle against mine. When we broke apart I rested my forehead against his.

Lucas smiled, "I told you that you have been wanting to kiss me."

"I remember," I smiled back, "I pay attention."

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