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Lucas POV

When I woke up this morning it was only 7 and everyone else in the house was asleep. After a failed attempted at waking Farkle up I decided to go for a run.

The beach only had three or four people out walking or running with their dogs. While I was running I recognised a girls face. She was the girl I meet at the party yesterday while I was looking for Maya.

The girl slowly walked up to me, "Hi Lucas remember me Rose from the party yesterday."

"Oh yeah hi," I said almost out of breath, "What are you doing out here this early?"

"I walk along the beach every morning if I get the chance," Rose smiles, "What about you?"

"Basketball training," I whipped off the sweat on my four head.

"Did you ever find your friend last night?"

"Who? Maya and I found her."

"That's good."

"Yeah so how are you doing," I said awkwardly looking up at the house.

"Good. What about you?"

"I'm doing fine," Rose smiles before looking down at her watch, "Oh but I do have to go."

"Oh maybe I will see you around," I said looking back up at the beach house wear Riley was now standing on the balcony.

"I don't know maybe we could hang. I live right up there," she says pointing at a house only 3 or 4 houses away from Maya's dads.

"Or I could just get it from Toby's dad," I said.

"Alright I will see you around," Rose says walking off towards her house.

I ran back up to the house where Riley was still sitting up on the balcony. When I got up stairs to the balcony everyone else was still asleep.

"Hey what are you doing up?" I asked Riley.

"I couldn't sleep last night," Riley says, "What about you?"

"I couldn't fall back to sleep so I went for a run."

"Yeah I saw you talking to that girl. What was her name Rachel or was it Reese."

"Rose how do you know her?"

"Toby pointed her out last night at the party."

"How does Toby know about Rose he has only been her for a day?"

"His older cousin told him about her."

"What did he have to say about her?"

"That she is a really big flirt and a huge party girl."


If Riley likes me she could all just be making this up so that she doesn't any competition.

"Really," Riley says with a strange look on her face.

"Alright well I'm going to get a shower before everyone wakes up," I said getting up leaving Riley on the balcony.

As I was walking back inside I could hear someone moving around. I walked into the kitchen where Maya was sitting holding a mug.

"Hey Prince Charming want some," Maya asked with a big smile.

"Whatever your drinking that could make someone like you happy at 7 in the morning must be worth drinking," I said and then laughed Maya laughed and got me a mug.

"Drink up," Maya said as we handed me the mug.

"This isn't going to kill me or anything right?" I joked.

"Drink," was all Maya said.

I took a slip of the drink and said, "It's Hot Chocolate."

"Yeah when I was growing up my mom would make me some during vacations or days she had off. My dad has the exact same brand my mom got," Maya

"That could be all be a coincidence though."

"One day after my mom died I was out looking for this exact brand and I couldn't find it anywhere. When I asked the clerk he said they stopped making it and I've been looking all over for it."

"Maybe you just had to look a little farther away from home."

"We are a long way from home."

"You can say that again."

I could hear someone coming down the steps. Maya moved her head over looking at the stairs. Her dad was the one up.

"Good Morning kids," Maya's dad said walking into the kitchen and over to the coffee pot, "Did you guys sleep well?"

"Morning dad," Maya says, "Like a baby."

"What about you son?" Maya's father asked me.

"Great Sir," I said slipping my hot chocolate.

"Please Lucas call me Andy," Maya's dad said walking over to the kitchen table.

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