Teach Me

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Riley's POV

Toby and I were skating around when I saw Maya and Lucas spinning around. They looked so cute together skating around.

"Aren't they cute together," I said to Toby.

"They can't stop smiling and laughing at each other," Toby smiled.

"Maya just looks so happy," I said.

"So my dad called last night after you left," Toby said smiling.

I smiled, "What did he say?"

"He is going to be stationed in New York for two years," happily said.

I pulled him into a hug, "Really that means you will be there until your 18."

"Yeah then we can go to college and I'll still be able to see you," Toby said hugging me back.

This is prefect. I found the guy I loved and we were going to be able to see each when we got homed. Everything was finally working out for me.

I kissed him, "I love you."

Toby smiled and kissed me, "I love you too."

Toby and I skated around the rink for a couple more hours until we got hungry. Toby and I found everyone and we got off the ice and ran over to the Diner next door.

Maya's POV

The dinner had this cute cozy feeling to it and it felt like being at home with everyone. We sat down in a round booth in the corner away from everyone.

"What are you getting to eat?" I asked Riley.

"I don't know there is so much," Riley said looking at page after page of food to chose from.

We all pick out different things to eat and told jokes about random things.

Lucas took one of my fries and put it in his mouth, "Hey thats my fry."

"No no no that was your fry," Lucas said taking another fry.

"Fine," I took one of Lucas's pickles and ate it.

"Jokes on you I didn't want that one," Lucas smiled.

I leaned in like I was going to kiss him and put fries into his mouth. Lucas ate then then smiled.

"What time is it?" Farkle asked.

"Almost five," Toby said pulling out his phone.

"I have to be home at 6," Tess said.

"Okay everyone finish up here and we will head home," I said.

Everyone finished eating there food and headed upside. I waited inside with Lucas while he payed.

"Ready to go?" Lucas asked taking my hand.

"Yeah," I said opening the door. It was raining and Riley and dancing around.

"It's raining," Lucas said.

Everyone ran to car and we dropped Tess of at her house. Toby and Riley went inside and Farkle ran in with them.

"Are you ready to go inside," Lucas asked.

"Not yet," I said getting out of the car, "Let's just stand out here."

Lucas pulled me into a hug and we just stood there letting the rain fall down on us. It was like something from a romantic movie. Lucas leaned down and kissed me and I kissed him back.

Lucas was perfect. He was the best guy I had ever met and I didn't want to be without him. I just wanted to stay out here with him forever just the two of us.

Lucas's POV

Maya was so amazing. I loved being out here with her just the two of us. Everything was perfect.

"Let's go back inside," I said taking her hand and walking inside with her.

"I'm going to go change," Maya said walking up the stairs.

"Yeah I'm going to change to," I said running into my room.

I came down stairs and sat down on the couch in the Living room away from everyone. Maya came back down in sweatpants and my hockey sweatshirt and she sat down next to me.

"What do you want to do?" I asked Maya.

"I don't care," Maya said.

"Teach me," I said standing up walking into the kitchen.

"Teach you what?" Maya asked.

"Teach me how to draw," I said bringing her back her notebook.

"What do you want to draw?" Maya asked.

"Something easy," I laughed.

"Let's draw the Milky Way," Maya said beginning to show me how to draw the Milky Way.

Riley's POV

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said walking Toby to the door around 10:00.

"Alright sounds good," Toby kissed me, "Love you."

"I love you too," I said before shutting the door.

I shut the door and began walking towards the steps. The lights were on in the living room so I went in to turn them off. I walked over to the light switch and saw Maya and Lucas asleep on the couch. They looked so cute and I didn't want to wake them up.

"Goodnight," I whispered and then turned off the lights.

Thanks guys for 3k views this is so amazing. Keep reading and voting. Love you all xoxoxoxox

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