Triple Date

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Lucas's POV

Last night I fell asleep after I explained everything that happened with Maya. I sleep the best I had in weeks thinking about Maya. When I woke up the next morning I laid in my bed and looked up at the celling smiling.

"Lover boy," Farkle said.

"What?" I said.

Farkle laughed, "Are you planning on getting up?"

"Are we going somewhere?" I asked.

"No but I figured maybe you would get up," Farkle said standing up.

"Fine," I said standing up.

"Let's go get something to eat," Farkle said walking towards the door.

"Okay," I said walking out of my room.

Farkle and I walked down stairs into the kitchen where Riley was reading a book and Maya was drawing. I walked over and got a bowl down from the counter then walked over to Maya.

"Whatcha drawing?" I asked leaning over Maya's shoulder.

"An ocean view," Maya smiling.

"It's beautiful," I said kissing her cheek.

Maya blushed, "Thanks."

Zoey walked down stairs with Zack and Lily.

"I don't know what you did but Zack has never slept that well before," Zoey said putting them in highchairs.

"You can hand it all to Lucas," Maya said smiling.

"Thank you Lucas," Zoey said.

"Your welcome," I smiled.

"Anyway thank you all for helping Andy set up the porch last night it was beautiful," Zoey said getting Zack and Lily's food.

"Your welcome," everyone said.

"So what are you guys planning on doing today?" Zoey asked.

"I don't know what do you guys want to do?" Farkle asked.

"I don't know we could all go out to eat somewhere," Riley.

"We could go ice skating," Maya said.

"In summer," Farkle said.

"There is an Ice skating rink near the 90's Diner," Zoey said feeding Zack.

"Okay then let's go skating and then go out to eat at the diner," I said.

"Can Toby come?" Riley asked.

"Sure," Maya said.

"Farkle you can bring Tess if you want," I said.

"Okay what time do you want to go at?" Riley asked.

"What time is it now?" Mays asked.

"Almost 10:30," I said, "Let's leave in about two hours. Do you think that will be enough time for you guys to get ready?"

"Yeah," everyone said.

"Alright I'm going to call Toby," Riley said standing up going to call Toby.

"And I'm going to call Tess," Farkle said.

"Okay I'm going to go just a shower," Maya said standing up walking upstairs.

Maya's POV

After I got out of the shower I straightened my hair and put on a colourful shirt with a pair of jeans. When I came down stairs Riley, Toby, and Farkle were sitting on the couch.

"Hey is Tess here yet?" I said walking towards Lucas.

"She should be here any minute," Farkle said.

"Okay," I said grabbing Lucas's hand. He smiled and intertwined our fingers.

"Oh Riley you are going to have to sit on Toby's lap in the car because there are only five seats," Lucas said.

"Okay," Riley said.

"Oh hey Tess is waiting outside," Farkle said standing up.

"Alright let's go," I said walking with Lucas towards the door.

We rode over to the ice skating rink and once we got there we payed for the skates and laced them up. Riley and Toby stepped into the ice first and then Tess and Farkle.

"I haven't skated in forever," I said taking a step onto the ice.

"Don't worry I can help you," Lucas said taking my hand.

"Thanks," I said taking his hand.

Lucas's POV

I gave my hand and she took it. Maya almost slipped when she put both of her feet on the ice. I caught her before she fell.

"Lucky you that I'm here," I said.

"Lucky me that you play hockey and spend so much time on the ice," Maya said smiling.

I helped Maya get back on her feet and helped her skate around. She got better as we went along and she was able to stand up on her own.

"There you go," I said taking her hand.

"I'm getting that hang of this," Maya smiled.

"Okay I'm going to spin," I said taking her hand.

"What wait no," Maya said.

"Trust me," I said spinning her around.

Maya laughed, "I'm having so much fun."

"Yeah I like spending time you," I said.

"Same," Maya said giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

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