Lucas and Alex

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Lucas's POV

Last night I laid in bed tossing in turning over Alex being her. It was pretty obvious that Maya liked him that's why Riley brought him up here. I couldn't take it anymore so I got out of my bed and walk out on the beach.

Just as I sat down near the water someone called my name, "Lucas wait."

I turned around to see Alex walking down towards me, "Alex hey man what are you doing?"

"That couch in the family room is so uncomfortable I was up all night I heard you get up," Alex said sitting down next to me.

"Oh how long are you stay?" I asked hoping it wasn't long.

"I leave in two days," Alex said.

"You are leaving pretty quick."

"Yeah I have to go see my dad in Philadelphia so it was either come for four days or none."

"Oh so are you and Maya like dating?"

"I'm not really sure."

"What do you mean?"

"We talk all the time and hang out but when I tried to kiss her Farkle yelled her name."

"So you never got to kiss her."


That made me feel happy inside and my stomach did a flip flop.

"Do you want to head back up and get some breakfast?" I asked standing up.

"Yeah," Alex said standing up.

"Race ya," I yelled taking off I was way to happy to lose. I was right I won.

When we walked inside Farkle was up playing some video game with Toby. Maya and Riley were trying to make pancakes.

"Where are your parents?" I asked jumping on the countertop.

"Over at my house," Toby said from the couch.

"Why?" Alex asked.

"Toby's family is having us over along with the Millers for dinner tonight. I guess they needed a whole day to setup," Riley said flipping a pancake.

"Who are the Millers?" Alex asks.

"A family that lives a couple houses down from me they have a daughter are age," Toby says.

"Wait Rose?" I asked turning around.

Toby pauses the game, "Yeah how do you know her?"

"I met her on the beach a couple days ago," I said.

Riley's POV

After Maya and I finished making the pancakes we all sat down and ate breakfast. Alex and Lucas were cracking jokes and I found it hard to believe they didn't realise they liked the same girl. But at least Alex was leaving in two days.

Alex and Lucas helped Maya and I with the dishes after we ate. Farkle and Toby went back to playing some random game again. We all just kinda hung out until we got a call from Maya's dad saying we had to get ready and come over in an hour.

Farkle's POV

When we walked over to Toby's uncles house the Miller family was already there. They had one daughter who Lucas had already met Rose and she brought had a friend named Tess.

"Everyone dig into this wonderful meal," Maya's father said.

Everyone ate fairly quickly and I could see Tess looking over at me everyone once and a while. When the adults finished eating they went into the family room and watched so home videos they had since Maya's dad moved out here.

"Let's go on the beach," Rose said directing us to the backdoor.

Everyone followed her out the door to the beach and sat down.

"What should we do?" Lucas asked.

"We could play would you rather," Riley said.

"Hey I have an idea lets play spin the bottle," Rose said pulling out a bottle.

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