Moments Later

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Lucas's POV

"I remember," Maya smiled, "I pay attention."

"You want to do something else crazy?" I asked.

Maya smiles, "What?"

I picked Maya up bridal style and she wrapped her arms around my neck, "This."

I took of running down the beach with Maya in my arms. We looked down at the water and then back at each other.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready," Maya smiled as I ran us both of into the water.

The water was warm from the heat earlier that morning. I flung Maya into the ocean and went under the water with her. When she popped her head out of the water she came over to me a dunk me. I was to strong that Maya wasn't able to dunk me so let her dunk me.

"Hey look up at the stars," Maya said jumping into my arms.

"Wow they are beautiful," I said holding on to her.

"They look even more beautiful reflected in your eyes," Maya said looking at me.

I kissed Maya on her nose and looked back up at the stars, "Oh look a shooting star make a wish."

"Okay," my said shutting her eyes, "Want to know what I wished for?"

"Nope because then it won't come true," I said, "But wait let me guess it already came true."

"No the ocean didn't change into chocolate," Maya laughs.

"Hurtful," I dunked her under the water.

"But no it hasn't come true yet."

"Will you tell me when it come true?"


"Hey guys," I heard someone yell.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"I don't know," Maya said looking back towards her house.

"Maya are you out there?" I heard it this time it was Maya's dad.

"Yeah dad," Maya yelled.

"Alright just wanted to make sure you were okay," Maya's dad said.

"Are you ready to head back?" Maya asked.

"Yeah let's go," I said.

Maya jumped off me, "Race you."

"Cheater," I yelled swimming after.

Farkle's POV

When I got back from the movie I went upstairs to my room. Lucas wasn't back yet when I got out of the shower. The door finally opened and Lucas walked in and shout the door he then leaned against the door.

"Dude," I smiled, "What happened?"

"Maya," was all Lucas said.

"Maya what?" I asked.

"She kissed," Lucas basically said with hearts in his eyes.

"Way to go man," I said giving him a high five.

"It was amazing," Lucas said.

Riley's POV

I got back from the date with Toby I was so happy. Maya still wasn't back when I finished getting ready for bed. The door flung open and Maya was soaking wet but she didn't care she fell right onto her bed.

"What just happened?" I said getting up walking over to her.

"Lucas and I had the most amazing time tonight," Maya said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We finally kiss," she squealed.

"Finally," I said helping her stand up, "I want to here all about it after you get out of the shower."

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