Stuck in the middle

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Maya's POV

"Your Marks nephew?" I asked once Mark left.

"Yeah his wife and my mom are sisters," Toby said looking over at Riley.

"Wait a minute I thought your grandma was visiting her sister," Lucas says coming out of no where.

"I thought that too but when I got here I found out I'm staying with my uncle for the summer to help him work at his fishing store," Toby says looking at Riley only.

"Lucas where did Farkle go?" Riley asks.

"He found the food table and he didn't want to leave so I left him there," Lucas tells us all.

"Hey Riley I'm going to go get some food with Farkle," I said beginning to walk off

"I'll come with you," Lucas says catching up to me.

"So where is the food table?" I ask Lucas once we are away from Riley.

"It's over here," Lucas said pointing in the opposite direction I was walking towards.

Riley's POV

"So umm I didn't think I would see you again," Toby says.

"Yeah if I would have know I could have gotten your number," I told

"Yeah same," Toby's says awkwardly.

"So your going to be here all summer?"

"Yeah I leave a week before school starts."

"What school do you go to?"

"I'm actually home schooled as of now."

"Doesn't that get boring?"

"Well when you move around as much as I do it's kinda nice to not have to change schools."

"Where do you live right now?"

"I lived in Washington D.C. for a year, but when I get home we are moving again."

"Do you know where to?"

"Not yet, but my parents said they would let me know while I was out here."

"I lived in New York my whole life, but when I get older I want to travel."

"Where to?"

"Anywhere my heart takes me."

"Oh so you like to quote movies."

I blushed, "There is a lot you don't know about me."

"Maybe we can change that."

"Maybe, So do you want to go get some food and sit out along the beach?" I asked pointing in the direction Maya and Lucas walked off in.

"Yeah let's go."

Lucas POV

After Maya and I ate we wondered around the house until she said she had to use the bathroom. When she didn't come back after a few minutes I went off looking for them. I found her sitting down by the water throwing rocks into the ocean.

"Hey," I said sitting down next to her.

"Hey," she said picking up more rocks.

"What happened to you in there?"

"Oh I'm sorry about that. When I was looking for the bathroom Mark and his family were asking me all kinds of questions. After I finally got away from them I couldn't find my way back so I just came out here."

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