First Hello

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Maya's POV

As Lucas and I were walking over to Riley and Farkle I could feel him starring at me. I didn't want to look up and see his big green eyes looking up at me.

"How was the plane ride?" Farkle asked.

"Fine," I said.

"Okay," Riley responded

"Interesting," Lucas said.

"Did you get that guys number on the plane?" I asked trying to act as if nothing had happen.

Riley looked at Lucas then at me, "No I probably will never see him again."

"Who is this man," Farkle interrupts.

"Farkle calm yourself we will probably never see him again like Riley said," I reassured Farkle.

"Should we go get our bags before your dad gets here?" Lucas asked looking over towards me.

"Yeah I think the bag claim is over towards the check in," Farkle says taking the lead.

Riley walks over to me and I asked, "Why didn't you get the guys number on the plane."

"Because I like Lucas and I don't think it would help to flirt with random guys," Riley tells me.

"Riley I don't know if you want to do that," I tried to tell her, "Maybe there is someone better out there for you than Lucas."

Riley stops walking and says, "Wait did something happen on the plane. Did Lucas say something about me?"

"No it's just maybe Toby is the right guy for you," I tried to explain to Riley.

"Maya I'm sorry that you haven't found the right guy for you yet, but just because you haven't found him yet doesn't mean you need to take it out on me."

"Are you saying that I'm jealous?"

"I don't know are you?"

"No. Riley you are my best friend you are all I have besides Farkle and Lucas I would never do that to you," I said looking over at Farkle and Lucas picking their bags up.

"I'm sorry Maya it's just I really like Lucas and I want this to work out," Riley said pulling me into a hug.

Riley and I begin to walk over to Farkle and Lucas, "Let's just forget everything. I hope that this summer you and Lucas can start a relationship."

Lucas POV

Maya and Riley stopped to talk about something as Farkle and I picked up everyone's bags for them. I saw Riley look over at me and then I saw Maya look over at both Farkle and I. They both hugged and then walked over to us.

"Lucas I know you don't want to talk to me, so I wrote this for you," Maya said in a whisper slipping a piece of paper in my hand.

"What's this," l looked down at Maya.

"Read it," Maya said before walking over to Farkle and Riley.

"So do you guys want to get some food while we wait for your dad?" Farkle asks.

"Let me check my phone to see if he's here yet," Maya said pulling out the phone Mr. Matthews gave her a few years back.

"I wonder where your dad lives," I said still holding onto the unread note Maya gave me.

"I just got a text from him," Maya began, "He's waiting outside for us."

"Alright I guess we should go find him," Riley said taking Maya's hand to give her support.

Maya's POV

We walked towards the exit of the airport and opened the doors. I could feel the warm air that I wasn't used to feeling in New York. Riley still held onto my hand as we looked around for my dad.

Farkle's POV

As we walked around looking for Maya's dad we found it more difficult than we thought. Maya didn't have a picture of her dad. She told me that she lost of them when her mom first died.

I was looking so hard for her dad I ran into a guy who was waiting by his car.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry," I said standing up.

"It's okay. Hey have you seen a blonde girl with curly hair and her three other friends," the man says.

I could hear Maya's voice behind me as she walked up, "Dad?"

"Maya!" the man says with a smile on his face.

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