So over him

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Riley's POV

After Maya went to take I shower I sat on our window seat. I could barely make out Lucas's voice threw the wall and every couple of seconds Farkle's voice would reach a yell.

"Hey," Maya said walking out of the shower brushing threw her wet hair.

"Hey," I said pulling my hair into a side braid.

Maya sat down on the window seat next to me, "So Toby's pretty cute."

"Yeah," I said looking over at her.

"But I shouldn't bother you have Lucas," Maya said braiding her hair into a fishtail braid.

"I don't know if I have Lucas?" I said looking out at the ocean waves crashing down on the sand.

"What do you mean?"

"It's been over three years and Lucas hasn't given me any hints that he likes me."

"Maybe he is playing hard to get."

"I don't know he was talking to some girl at the party and he looked pretty happy."

"So are you going to move on."


"To who Farkle," Maya jokes.

"Hahaha very funny," I said hitting Maya's arm with my hairbrush, "You should find someone out here and hang out with them."

"Like who?"

"I don't know your birthday is coming up maybe you can with for someone."

"You are so cheesy."

"You love me."

"I'm not the only one too," Maya said standing up and walking over to her bed.

"Are you talking about Toby again?" I asked climbing into my bed across the room from Maya's bed.

"Yeah you guys would be way cute for each other," Maya says turning her back to me, "Anyway I'm going to bed night."

Maya's POV

"Anyway I'm going to bed night," I said closing my eyes.

I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep when I heard Riley say, "Do I like Toby?"

Then a couple minutes later I heard, "Or do I like Lucas?"

After an hour or so I heard Maya say this, "Toby yeah I like Toby."

I waited 10 or 20 minutes later to say, "I heard that."

Farkles POV

"Why didn't you tell us that she fell?" I asked Lucas.

"Maya made me promise and she told me to play along with anything that she said," Lucas said getting into his bed.

"Wait what was Maya doing before you found her?"

"I don't know. She never told me what happened before I found her. Maya could have been anywhere."

"Whoa this is a lot to take in at once."

"Dude you can't tell Riley any of this or even Maya. I don't think that Maya told Riley anything about that night."

"Okay but what I got from that was Maya might still like you."

"Yeah I think she still might."

"Anyway I'm going to go to bed night," I said climbing into bed.

"Night man."

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